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Kundamestri Vs Betri water project

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The Deccan Herald  30.08.2010

Kundamestri Vs Betri water project

It looks as if Madikeri town is being cursed for not getting any permanent drinking water project, which will solve the drinking water woes in the peek summer.






For those who believe in astrology may think that the time of laying foundation stone to the ambitious Kundamestri project is wrong. For the last three to four years, people of the town are tired of discussing over drinking water project.

When all were discussing over the implementation of Kundamestri project, the Betri project popped up. Finally, no one is sure as to which project will supply dirnking water to Madikeri town.

The recently held CMC general meeting failed to take a decision on either Bethri project or Kundamestri project. A special meeting will be convened on August 31 to discuss over the drinking water projects. MLAs, MP are likely to take part in the meeting. Kundamestri project is considered as the dream project of Assembly Speaker K G Bopaiah.

From getting adminsitrative approval to the finance clearace, Bopaiah played a key role. If the work on Kundamestri project had started as soon as the previous District-in-Charge Minister Krishna Palemar had laid foundation stone, then the work would have been half completed by this time. However, on the recommendation of the Centre, the estimated cost of the project was revised to Rs 23 crore and re-tender was called for the project. Initially, the Centre had agreed to bear 80 per cent of the project cost. However, recently, the Centre denied to release the said amount for the project.

When the rumour on the suspension of the project began to spread, Speaker K G Bopaiah and MLA M P Appacchuranjan pressurised the State government to take up the project at the cost of Rs 30 crore.

The project will be undertaken jointly by the State government and the CMC. The government will provide a sum of Rs 15 crore to the project and another Rs 15 crore will be given to the CMC as a loan which it has to repay later. As the tender had been invited, the contract should be given to Hyderabad based Sai Sudheer Infrastructure Company by September 18. In case if it fails to issue order, fresh tender has to be invited to undertake the work.

In the meantime, MLC M C Nanaiah suggested Bethri project to supply permanent drinking water to the town. Though the CMC opposition had agreed the project, the ruling party is yet to come to a conclusion on the project.

According to sources within BJP, “if Bethri project is being undertaken, then the project will not get nod from BJP MLAs. Moreover, to undertake the water project in Cauvery river, one need to take permission from Cauvery water Tribunal.

On a whole, the citizens want the implementation of the drinking water project without any interference.

If the authorities undertake the work on desilting of Kootuhole and stops the leakage of water, then the town may not face shortage of drinking water for the next five years even if there was any delay in the implementation of the water projects, it is said.

Last Updated on Monday, 30 August 2010 11:49