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Water shortage at Chakkaraparambu

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The New Indian Express  13.09.2010

Water shortage at Chakkaraparambu

KOCHI: Chakkaraparambu will face the coming elections as division No 46. Represented by K S Sulfath, it is to be in the general category next time. Though the LDF enjoys a loyal following here, with the addition of new voters in large numbers, the UDF hopes that the situation will change in their favour.

The councillor of the division K S Sulfath says the division fund has been utilised for all the work that comes under its purview like concreting pocket roads, changing streetlights to SV lamps in all the main roads and byroads, putting new lights where there were none, maintenance of drains, tarring of few roads etc. She says old and dilapidated pipes have all been replaced with PVC pipes across the division.

The councillor has given priority to the maintenance of roads. Funds from the People’s Plan scheme, the Corporations’ general fund and even the division fund have been used for this work. “Some new roads, which were handed over to the Corporation, were tarred from scratch, by leveling, metalling and tarring.”  She claims, around 25 roads including various byroads in the division have been tarred.  “Bigger roads like Pottamkavu Road, Chakkaraparambu Road, Puthiya Road, Shobha Road etc have been tarred. The maintenance work of the side walls of the two streams in the  area - Kareethodu and Kathambhayil Thodu was also done,” she adds.  

The councillor admits that shortage of potable water in some areas like Ulakampaara is indeed the biggest problem here. A new project to solve this problem to a certain extent is now in the pipeline. “A new tank is to be built using the SC/ST fund from the People’s Plan scheme. The tender for this work has been issued.” For now  the Corporation is supplying tanker water in this area.”  

` 7 to 8 lakh from the KSUDP fund has been allotted for basic infrastructure development to be carried out in the Kannoth Colony. This work is yet to start. Voters at Chakkaraparambu, especially at the Ulakampara area, are most concerned about the shortage of potable water.

The area faces severe water shortage throughout the year, though they manage to a certain extent with rain water.  Presently they are almost totally dependent on tanker water.  Residents at some other areas like Pottamkaavu also face water shortage during some months. Waterlogging troubles some areas in the division during rain.

Last Updated on Monday, 13 September 2010 10:06