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MC water fails to pass the test

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The Times of India                31.10.2010

MC water fails to pass the test

LUDHIANA: The fact that municipal corporation supplies contaminated water once again came to light. The residents had collected eight water samples from different areas of the city and sent those for testing to Punjab Agricultural University but these failed to make the mark.

These samples were taken from localities in the city's southern part, including Sherpur, Lohara and Daba, that are worst hit by outbreak of gastroenteritis every year. The exercise was carried out by residents in association with the Punjab Pradesh Congress Committee members and a delegate from Ludhiana south, Bhupinder Singh Sidhu.

Bhupinder on Sunday informed that the samples collected showed presence of E coli ranging from 460 to 1,100 in 100 millilitre (ml) of water. It should be zero but the guidelines issued by Bureau of Indian standards (BIS) allow its presence up to 10 in 100 ml.

'The corporation is sleeping over the issue and even the residents are ignorant. In Ontario, Canada, the government had lost its power due to the presence of 57 E-coli per 100 ml and here, the minimum count is 460 and the maximum is 1,100 per 100 ml,' said Bhupinder.

On being asked about the next plan of action, he said member parliament Manish Tewari had directed the civic body authorities to prepare the proposal. He would cite this report to obtain funds from the Union urban development ministry under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission.

He added that the major reason behind water contamination was the leakage from pipelines carrying sewerage and water. These needed to be relaid in the city. 'We will approach the municipal corporation with a business plan in this regard but if it fails to initiate adequate measures, we will take up the matter with higher authorities,' added Sidhu.