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Comprehensive drinking water project makes headway

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The Hindu  10.11.2010

Comprehensive drinking water project makes headway

Staff Reporter

WB nominates consultant to prepare detailed project report

Guntur: The World Bank Funded Comprehensive Drinking Water Project has been put back on tracks. Ever since the Rs.147 crore project has been given the administrative sanction in 2008, there has not been much headway in the project.

The Guntur Municipal Corporation had even prepared DPR, but that was rejected citing technical reasons.


Aarvee Consultants nominated by the World Bank would now prepare the Detailed Project Report (DPR) based on an assessment of existing water distributing network and the proposed augmentation of water availability.

Incharge Municipal Commissioner A. Sarath, who reviewed the progress of the scheme directed representative of consultants K. Sambasiva Rao to complete the preparation of DPRs within a year so that the project might be completed in two years.

He also asked the consultants to take into consideration existing DPRs prepared by the engineering wing of the GMC in 2008.

With the interlinking of second water pipeline, which has augmented the per day water availability by 45 MLD, the drinking water project would further streamline the distribution and reduce the leakages, Mr. Sarath observed while assuring the consultants of all technical help from the corporation.

He also sought to depute a separate team to expedite the preparation of DPR.

Earlier, Mr. Rao made a presentation of the engineering department and explained the broad outlines of the DPR.

He said during the first phase of DPR, the inception and concept of the water project would be assessed followed by a study of unaccounted water and non-revenue water.

The DPR would also include the proposed distribution network.

A comparison of existing and the proposed water distribution network would be assessed scientifically, he said.

Deputy Commissioner K. Lakshminarayana, incharge Superintendent Engineer M.A Shukur, Municipal Engineer S. Upendra Singh and other officers were present.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 10 November 2010 10:18