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Endless water woes in Dayanandanagar

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The New Indian Express  11.11.2010

Endless water woes in Dayanandanagar






BANGALORE: “The water supplied in Dayanandanagar is smelly and unhygienic,” complain the residents. This comes as no surprise since in most of the areas, it has been observed that the water taps are placed adjacent to drains which overflow with startling irregularity. This condition has risen due to poor sanitation facilities in many areas of the Dayanandanagar ward.

“My house fills up with sewage water every time the drains overflow. I brought this to the notice of the corporation more than four months ago and nothing has changed,” says Cariappa, a resident in RTE colony. Another problem faced by residents of this colony, living on 7th cross, is a huge pile of filth. Garbage gets dumped on the street everyday. Residents also say that since the road adjoins the neighbouring ward, the garbage collectors argue that it is not their job to clear the filth and claim that the clearing job belongs to the other ward collectors.

In another area, L N Puram, residents speak about how they never get to see the garbage collectors for days. A popular tactic employed by these collectors is to get a signature from the house at the beginning of the street and depart without catering to the disposal needs of other houses down the road. A survey of the area again shows overflowing drains right next to a water tank of the BBMP.  “We shell out cash to get the tank cleaned, as the water starts stinking,” adds Vinod, a resident. In another area where bore wells have been installed, the motors have failed. “The motor just stops working every two months and we just cannot afford to get it repaired every time,” says Lakshmi, resident.

It seems that residents are doomed to live with the spectre of smelly water and overflowing drains for the foreseeable future. The corporator of the ward was unavailable for comment.

Last Updated on Thursday, 11 November 2010 10:37