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High water table, clogged sewers pose threat to buildings: Walia

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The Hindu  25.11.2010

High water table, clogged sewers pose threat to buildings: Walia

Special Correspondent

NEW DELHI: A clogged sewerage system and a massive rise in the water table from a depth of about 40 to 50 feet to a mere four to five feet are now posing a major threat to buildings in several parts of East Delhi, Urban Development and Finance Minister A.K. Walia said on Wednesday.

During a visit to several parts of his Laxmi Nagar constituency, the Minister stressed the need to repair urgently the collapsed sewerage system and reduce the water levels by removing some of the accumulated water from the Yamuna river-bed across Pushta Road.

Permanent solution

Dr. Walia, who was accompanied by senior officials from the Central Ground Water Board, Irrigation and Flood Control Department, Delhi Jal Board, Delhi Development Authority, Public Works Department and Municipal Corporation of Delhi, called for finding a permanent solution to the problem of accumulation of water at various places between the Yamuna and the Pushta Road opposite Laxmi Nagar and Ramesh Park.

He said a feasible solution was a must or else a number of colonies that have come up near Pushta Road in East Delhi will continue to face threat to the buildings due to a high water table in the area.

Pumps installed

The visit of the Minister to the Yamuna banks assumes significance in the backdrop of the recent Lalita Park building collapse that left nearly 70 people dead and had been attributed to accumulation of water in the basement due to many reasons.

During his visit to various pockets, the Minister was told by officials that the accumulated water has somewhat receded after installation of two pumps. But the officials said the level was still very high and because of it the danger of another building collapse in the area loomed large.

The Minister instructed the Irrigation and Flood Control and CGWB officials to chalk out a plan of action to reduce this water level. He said the colonies where basements are getting damaged and cracks have become visible in the buildings need to be protected. A suggestion to construct a small temporary drain to flush out the accumulated water into the Yamuna was also discussed.

Dr. Walia said he has already taken up the matter at the highest level so that a feasible solution could be found at the earliest. Dr. Walia also asked the MCD to expedite their ongoing survey and encourage people in getting their plan sanctioned before starting construction as structural stability has become crucial in the backdrop of the recent mishap.

He also admitted that he had been frequently getting complaints about failure of sewerage system and caved in roads in his constituency. Since the sewerage system is handled by Delhi Jal Board, he has often insisted that an action plan be prepared by the Board.

The Minister also visited Priyadarshini Vihar, C-Block Laxmi Nagar and Vikas Marg near Swasthya Vihar where roads have caved in at several places due to overflooding of sewerage lines.

Last Updated on Thursday, 25 November 2010 09:36