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State bodies owe 122 cr. to Water Board as arrears

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The Hindu       30.11.2010

State bodies owe 122 cr. to Water Board as arrears

Special Correspondent
Gram panchayats, DGP and GHMC among list of defaulters

Board has sent letters to Principal Secretaries, HoDs for payment of water cess arrears

HMWSSB says it is unable to pay power charges, which has accumulated to Rs.40 crore

HYDERABAD: It is not just the domestic consumers who default in payment of their water bills. The government departments, too, owe a whopping Rs.122.31 crore to the Water Board.

The gram panchayats owe Rs.29.60 crore for the 14 Consumer Account Numbers (CANs), the Directorate of Municipal Administration Rs.22.32 crore (2 CANs), the Medical and Health Department Rs.2.36 crore (8 CANs), Director General of Police Rs.5.09 crore (194 CANs) and GHMC Rs.62.94 crore (27 CANs) to the Board.

The Water Board has dashed-off DO letters to the principal secretaries concerned and the heads of departments for payment of water cess arrears. But so far, it has not received any amount.

Financial crunch

In a press release, the HMWSSB said it was passing through ‘critical financial crunch' and was unable to pay power charges for the last two months as a result of which the power bill of the body has accumulated to Rs.40 crore.

Still the Water Board had not resorted to the unpleasant action of disconnection of supply to the government departments.

“If the dues are not paid in time, the Board is not able to maintain the operation and maintenance system,” the release said.

It further stated that adequate quantity of water was being supplied to residents and government departments and surrounding municipalities. But the payments were not being received regularly. The Board urged the government departments to release water cess arrears immediately to help it overcome its financial crisis.