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‘Government departments not paying water bills’

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The New Indian Express  30.11.2010

‘Government departments not paying water bills’

Many state government departments have been enjoying daily drinking water supplied by the Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board (HMWS&SB) but seem least bothered to clear arrears. The total arrears from different departments is a whopping Rs 122.31 crore.

Due to non-payment of arrears, the Water Board is not in a position to even pay salaries of employees, pay power charges or take up works relating to water and sewerage. Though the Water Board claims to have enhanced supply quantity for residents, yet payment of dues is not happening regularly, resulting in dwindling Board finances.

To realise arrears from departments, the HMWS&SB managing director has addressed letters to concerned principal secretaries of different government departments and al l departmental heads. But so far, they have not received any payments.

Water Board officials said they were facing severe financial crunch and unable to pay power charges since the last two months, with the dues ballooning up to Rs 40 crore.

"If the dues are not collected on time, the Water Board may not be able to maintain operation and maintenance system," officials said.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 30 November 2010 09:13