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Water supply in core areas only by month-end

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The New Indian Express  06.12.2010

Water supply in core areas only by month-end






 HYDERABAD: At a time when all five water reservoirs are brimming with full capacity levels, it is unfortunate that the Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board (HMWS&SB) is not able to provide daily drinking water to lakhs of households in the twin cities.

The five reservoirs of Akkampally (Krishna), Singur, Manjira, Osman Sagar and Himayat Sagar are filled to their Full Tank Levels (FTLs) due to a good monsoon and heavy inflows. So much so that Water Board officials have been forced to open crest gates of these reservoirs on many occasions to release extra water into downstream rivers.

However, filling up of these reservoirs after nearly a decade has not improved the condition of consumers as they are not receiving daily water as expected. As per records of the HMWS&SB, out of 5.7 lakh consumers having water connections, only some 40 percent consumers (2.4 lakh) are reportedly getting daily drinking water.

This after Water Board officials assured that by end-November, they would supply daily water to remaining consumers (4.37 lakh). But it has done precious little to fulfil the assurances given. Now, it has again extended the date for providing daily water by end-December. HMWS&SB officials told Express that daily water supply would be started in most feasible localities initially and subsequently in all areas in a phased manner.

The reason for delay according to officials is that distribution of pipelines are not adequate to take the load. The present system has to be strengthened by additional pipelines and have more water reservoirs, said board officials.

As the financial position of the Water Board is weak, it is not in a position to strengthen the distribution system and it is hoping that the state government would provide funds for the purpose.

Last Updated on Monday, 06 December 2010 10:04