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Water supply for all houses in Mulky soon

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The Hindu      09.12.2010

Water supply for all houses in Mulky soon

Staff Correspondent
Water being supplied for three hours in the town

Work near Pavanje Bridge had disrupted supply for some time

Meters to be installed after all houses get water connection

MANGALORE: The Mulky Town Panchayat is preparing to streamline its drinking water supply. Apart from creating additional water storage facilities, the town panchayat is working towards providing piped water at people's doorstep.

For several years, residents of the Mulky Town, which is about 30 km away from Mangalore, solely relied on water supplied through tankers. The pipeline laid between the Kulai Pump Houseand Mulky Town had remained unused for three years.

“Since October, we have been receiving water for three hours a day.

“There had been disruptions because of damage to the pipeline at the Pavanje Bridge because of works being carried out by the National Highway Authority of India,” said chairman of Mulky Town Panchayat B.M. Asif. The panchayat had been storing the water at the two overhead tanks that can store 10 lakh litres.

More facilities

Mr. Asif told The Hindu that the work of getting new water storage units was being taken up by the panchayat at a cost of Rs. 2 crore . Three underground reservoirs with each having a capacity of storing 3 lakh litres of water and three new overhead tanks with each of 1.5 lakh litres capacity were built. “The new overhead tank is coming up at the K.S. Rao Nagar,” said Mr. Asif.

The new storage units were likely to be operational in the next two months. “These units will help the panchayat to ensure water supply even on days when there is disruption in the supply of water from the dam,” said Mr. Asif.

The panchayat was acting on the directions of the State Government to remove public taps and provide water connections to each household. “So far, we have removed 186 of the 286 public taps. We have completed 70 per cent of the work of providing water connections to the houses,” he said.

Once the panchayat completes the work of providing connection to every house, it will install water meters. “At present we are collecting a minimum charge of Rs. 60. Once the meters are installed, the charges will be as per the water usage and it will prevent wastage,” said Mr. Asif.