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Government imposes curbs on groundwater use

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The Hindu       17.12.2010

Government imposes curbs on groundwater use

Satyasundar Barik
Notification issued listing guidelines

BHUBANESWAR: With serious concern being expressed over fast falling groundwater table, the Orissa government has banned use of groundwater for industrial productions in the State.

To ensure the sustainability of various groundwater-based ongoing schemes as well as the schemes in pipeline for the purpose of drinking water supply and lift irrigation, the use of groundwater by industrial and infrastructure projects during their production phases is to be prohibited, according to a notification issued by the State government.

Panel empowered

The State government has empowered a district-level evaluation committee, headed by district Collectors, for receiving and evaluating the proposals for groundwater clearances to industrial and infrastructure projects as per the Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA) guidelines.

“The committee could consider permitting drawl of certain volume of groundwater during construction phase. But the moment the industrial project goes into production, the groundwater use would have to be stopped there,” said S. K. Mohapatra, assistant engineer with the Director of Ground Water Survey and Investigation.

The notification, however, strictly prohibited exploitation of groundwater in hard rock area by any industry for production purposes. Hard rock area constitutes about 80 per cent of the State's total geographical area, while rest 20 per cent is alluvium.

Mr. Mohapatra said industries, which were previously taking no objection certificates from CGWA, would have to route through the district-level evaluation committee which was entrusted with the power to give the final permission.

From now on, the exploitation of groundwater will be regulated by CGWA's guidelines. Industries requiring groundwater more than 25 m3 per day located near over-exploited area and more than 50 m3 per day for critical areas and 100 m3 per day in semi-critical areas must have to obtain NOC from the authority.

Similarly, industries located in safe category areas are required to obtain NOC from CGWA if groundwater abstraction exceeds 1000 m3 per day for hard rock areas and 2000 m3 per day for alluvial areas.

It is reported that locals around Kalinganagar Industrial Complex, a steel manufacturing hub, started to feel water stress during past few year, mainly due to groundwater drawl by industries.

The decision assumed significance in wake of the government's proposal to construct 4000 borewells in hard rock areas.

It is proposed that 4000 borewells each with approximately two ha at an estimated cost of Rs. 2.5 lakh per unit will bring about 8000 ha of land under assured irrigation for both kharif and rabi seasons. The State government has made Rs. 100-crore budgetary provision for the purpose.