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Use more, pay more for water

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The Times of India     28.07.2012

Use more, pay more for water

MUMBAI: Consumers across the state will soon have to pay more if they consume more water. The state government has asked urban local bodies in the state to work towards introduction of telescopic rates for water supply.The telescopic rates envisage higher tariff for overconsumption of water.

Malini Shankar, principal secretary, water supply and sanitation, said instructions had been issued. The move is aimed at rationalizing water pricing under the Maharashtra Sujal Nirmal Abhiyaan. The government has asked local bodies to reduce the proportion of unaccounted for water (UFW). A preliminary survey has found the extent of UFW in local bodies ranges from 26% to a staggering 85%, Shankar said, while adding that the statistics are being revalidated.

On Friday, World Bank representatives presented a report on business plans for water supply and sanitation in Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Haryana.