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Mumbai will get 455 mld more water by September

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The Times of India           28.07.2012

Mumbai will get 455 mld more water by September

 MUMBAI: If all goes well, come September Mumbaikars will get an additional 455 million ltires per day (mld) water. A day after TOI reported that the gates of Middle Vaitarna have been closed, hydraulic engineering officials admitted the wate r from the Middle Vaitarna dam is likely to be released by September or latest by the beginning of October.

"If the rain gods side with us, we could expect to draw water from Middle Vaitarna around mid-September. This is subject to the monsoon. Once Upper Vaitarna overflows the new dam will rapidly fill up," said Ramesh Bamble, chief hydraulic engineer. Once the water level crosses over the full capacity level (603 meters) in Upper Vaitarna, the excess water will flow into Middle Vaitarna's catchment area. On Friday the Upper Vaitarna level was 597 meters, just six meters below the full capacity level. Mumbaikars currently face a water shortage of about 1,100 million litres per day (mld). The BMC has announced that the Middle Vaitarna dam project will supply an additional 455 mld water to the city.


Last Updated on Saturday, 28 July 2012 09:12