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Water level increasing in dams, helping to solve drinking water problem

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The Times of India  07.08.2012

Water level increasing in dams, helping to solve drinking water problem

HUBLI: Increasing water level in important reservoirs of north-karnataka region, following heavy rains since few days has come as big respite to overcome the drinking water problems in many drought hit villages.

District administrations in Bijapur, Haveri, Gadag, Gulbarga and other drought hit districts have made arrangements to supply drinking water through tankers in villages.

According to sources, each family in many villages of Haveri, Gadag, Bijapur, Raichur, Koppal, Belgaum was fetching 1-2 pots of water every day.

Sources said, village consisting of 800 to 1000 population, getting 2-3 water tanks per day while each tanker contain 500-600 liters of water. Nearly, 750 villages of north-karnataka are being supplied water with tankers now.

With the heavy rains lashing the region since few days, water level in most important reservoirs of north-karnatak is increasing day by day and authorities heaving a sigh of relief in Bijapur, Belgaum, Gulbarga, Dharwad, Bidar, certain parts of Raichur and Koppal who are now thinking to stop supply of water through tankers in some villages.

According to sources, Rakkaskppa reservoir which spread on 865 acres of land and supplies water to Belgaum city is overflowing now. Belgaum citizen are now getting water daily instead of twice in week after overflowing of Rakkaskoppa.

Water level in Tunga Bhadra dam has reached to 1612.90 ft against 1633 ft. Increasing water level in TB dam has come as big relief to the authorities to solve the drinking water problems faced by many villages of Hospet, Bellary.

The water level in Almatti dam which has almost dried up following the scanty rainfall till July end, is now receiving huge inflow of water since there was heavy rain on the Krishna basin in Maharastra. Water level had reached to 518.07 mtrs against its 519.60 mtrs in Almatti. If it rains for one or two days on Krishna basis, water level will reach to its capacity, said officials.

Inflow of water is also improving in Malaprabha reservoir which supplies water to twin cities of Hubli-Dharwad. Water level had almost reached the dead storage last month but now with copious rainfall, water level had increased to 9.7 TMC water in Malaprabha reservoir allaying the fear of facing acute drinking water problem in twin cities.

Besides, the water level in Narayanpur dam also increased to 490.60 mtrs against 492.25 mtrs which supplies water to Gulbarga, Yadgiri and Raichur due to good rainfall in the last few years.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 07 August 2012 09:09