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Nagpur Municipal Corporation yet to ensure equal water for all

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The Times of India   10.08.2012

Nagpur Municipal Corporation yet to ensure equal water for all

NAGPUR: On December 10, 2011, Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) had in writing assured to provide equal water distribution all over the city by January 2012. Seven months after that deadline the situation has not improved even during the rainy season.

The NMC had given the assurance in writing to put an end to the indefinite hunger strike launched by the then NCP group leader in the NMC Vedprakash Arya and corporator Manoj Sangole. The agitation was launched following discrimination in water supply between West-South-West Nagpur where the supply is relatively higher and East-North-South Nagpur where it is less.

Condemning NMC's failure to keep its word, Arya told TOI that the areas in East and North Nagpur were facing water shortage even during rainy season. "Water supply is still at low pressure and provided just one to hours in a day. Only now the supply is daily instead of every alternate day. West and South-West Nagpur are supplied at high pressure for 5-8 hours a day. Some areas here are even getting round the clock water supply," he said.

A senior NMC official said the equal water distribution will start once the new overhead water tanks become operational. "Several of 24 new tanks planned were expected to become operational by January but got delayed. Two tanks have now been brought into operation. Work on the remaining 22 has been expedited. The water supply will improve even if 12 more tanks become operational in East and North Nagpur. These will be connected with Kanhan water treatment plant," he said.

The official further said the plan has been revised after commissioning of the newly constructed Kanhan treatment plant. "Earlier, all 24 tanks were to be connected with Pench-IV water treatment plant being constructed at Godhni under JNNURM. Meanwhile, Kanhan plant became operational providing an additional 100-110 million liters per day (MLD) water. Now 14 of 24 tanks will be connected to Kanhan plant to ensure equal water distribution in East and North Nagpur," he said.

Clearing misconception, the official said that the availability of water was no more an issue for the NMC. "Additional 115 MLD was to be supplied from Pench-IV plant. But the construction of pipeline is delayed due to various obstacles. The additional water from Kanhan plant has taken care of that deficit. The total water supply increased to over 640 MLD since December 2011 which is enough to cater to the existing population. The water quantity may increase further if rehabilitation plan of 24x7 water supply project is implemented. The additional water from Pench-IV plant may be useful to cater to the increased population in coming years," he said.

Last Updated on Friday, 10 August 2012 09:52