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120-crore water schemes approved in Haryana

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The Hindu    04.09.2012

120-crore water schemes approved in Haryana

Special Correspondent

The Haryana Government on Monday approved two Rs.120-crore schemes for the augmentation of water supply in Hisar and Hassanpur (Palwal) towns under the 13th Finance Commission grants.

Chief Secretary P.K.Chaudhery, who chaired the meeting of the high-level monitoring committee, said the fire services would be strengthened during the next five years at a cost of Rs.100 crore.

The projects and schemes of several departments for utilisation of the Commission’s grant-in-aid as provided by the Government of India for the period 2010-15 were also approved, Principal Secretary, Finance, Sanjeev Kaushal said.

On the water augmentation schemes, he said these would be completed in a time-frame of three years and the water supply would be augmented to 135 LPCD in both the places as compared to 120 LPCD at present in Hisar and 55 LPCD in Hassanpur.

Another project for the rehabilitation, renovation and modernisation of critically damaged channels of the irrigation network of Rs 53.67 crore for the year 2012-13 was also proposed in the meeting.

Mr. Kaushal added that under the 13th Finance Commission, Development and Panchayats Department had been allocated Rs. 710.67 crore; Urban Local Bodies Department Rs. 284.03 crore; Revenue Department Rs. 799.54 crore; Science and Technology Department Rs. 21 crore; Elementary Education Department Rs. 229 crore; Administration of Justice Rs. 124.20 crore, Information and Technology Rs. 32.10 crore; Planning Department Rs. 21 crore; Treasury and Accounts Rs. 10 crore; Forests Department Rs. 8.80 crore; Irrigation Department Rs. 212.08 crore; PWD (B&R) Rs. 267 crore; Public Health Engineering Rs. 300 crore for drinking water Supply in Shivalik and Southern Haryana and Rs. 100 crore for augmentation of drinking water in Mewat region; Health Rs. 300 crore; Industrial Training Rs. 100 crore and Home Department Rs. 100 crore.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 04 September 2012 04:52