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PMC plans ward-level water management

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The Times of India        02.03.2013  

PMC plans ward-level water management

PUNE: The PMC has planned a ward-level water management system to address the problems in water supply in view of the water scarcity. A series of meetings with all political parties have been scheduled to discuss the initiative.

"Though there are some major issues in water management, some problems are very local and do not get addressed at the general body meetings usually. But solving these problems is very important. So, the administration has decided to start special meetings at ward level," a senior official from the water department told TOI.

In the first such meeting held at the PMC on Friday, Maharashtra Navnirman Sena workers discussed the water supply issues in their wards. Problems of low pressure, leakage and damaged water taps were discussed in the meeting.

"The next meeting will be held on Tuesday with the Shiv Sena, which will be followed by a meeting on Wednesday with the BJP. The NCP leaders will meet the civic officials on Thursday, while the Congress and other leaders will meet on Friday. A plan of action to resolve the ward-specific problems will be decided in these meetings," the official said.

V G Kulkarni, head of the water department, confirmed the development.

Vasant More, MNS leader in the PMC, said that their corporators expressed concern over the poor water supply in their areas. "Issues of mismanagement of water supply and lack of coordination between officials were also raised during the meeting," he added.

Since March 2012, the city was getting 1,000 million litres per day (MLD) water from the reservoirs. The water supply rose to 1,100 MLD after the monsoon and water cuts were reduced from 20% to 10%. Currently, the PMC is able to provide water to all areas once a day. However, it cannot resume twice-a-day water supply.


Last Updated on Saturday, 02 March 2013 10:38