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Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board stresses more on arresting leakages

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The Times of India                   07.03.2013

Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board stresses more on arresting leakages

BANGALORE: S Suresh Kumar, Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board minister directed the board officials to ensure that leakage is completely stopped to regularize water supply in city on Wednesday.

"The newly added areas in the city getting water from BWSSB have not been covered properly and there exists many illegal connections, resulting in huge leakage of precious water. Zonal officials must ensure that cmplaints from residents about water leakages must be attended immediately," he said.

He also asked officials to change the mindset of people who are trying to get water through illegal connections and bring them under the board's coverage. Although there was no internal deadlines set to arrest leakage, the Board chiefs say that by end of March, through their special drives to regularize connections, they would be able the achieve targets.

Minister stressed that to ensure smooth water supply to the entire city till June, water leakage should be arrested fully and officials must work with dedication.
Last Updated on Thursday, 07 March 2013 07:08