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Individual water connections to more flats on the anvil

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The Hindu                        13.03.2013

Individual water connections to more flats on the anvil

G.V. Prasada Sarma 

GVMC plans to cover 900 flats in next financial year.

With improved water availability, the GVMC now plans to cover more flats under individual water connections.

With augmentation of drinking water taken up under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission and to meet the objectives of water supply by the urban local body, the GVMC decided to cover 900 flats in the next financial year.

Under the mission, the corporation has spent Rs. 85 crore for drinking water schemes at Gajuwaka and another Rs. 80 crore at Pendurti. The 58.4-km pipeline from Tatipudi reservoir to Town Service Reservoir was replaced at a cost of Rs. 62.3 crore.

Though the corporation can draw 11 mgd, it has been utilising 7 mgd to 8 mgd. Against a total allocation of 72 mgd, only 56 mgd is being drawn.

“Having executed the water supply augmentation works, the GVMC has to utilise the water and also recover the money it has spent. On the other hand, residents living in apartments are using groundwater and in case of its failure, getting water tankers to meet their demand.

They are also buying packaged water,” said a GVMC official. With increased construction and density of population going up, groundwater scarcity has become common.

It has decided to implement the water supply on individual connection basis in new apartments ready to occupy, or on the verge of being completed or just occupied.

The general body, during its term, has resolved that for more than six apartments Rs.5,000 has to be paid for each apartment. The amount the builder has paid towards semi-bulk water supply will be adjusted against the individual payment.