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Govt prepares Rs 9-crore contingency plan for drinking water supply in Kutch

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The Indian Express                 14.03.2013

Govt prepares Rs 9-crore contingency plan for drinking water supply in Kutch

The state government has prepared a Rs 9.12-crore contingency plan for drinking water supply in Kutch district, according to Minister of State for Water Supply Nanubhai Vanani.

Replying to a question by Anajar BJP MLA Vasanbhai Ahir during question hour, Vanani said that this would cover 138 villages and 35 colonies in the district. He said this was being done keeping in view scanty rains and scarcity conditions in the region.

The contingency plan would also involve new tubewells in 81 villages, water supply in 48 villages through tankers, digging of well in one village besides water supply in city areas using Rs 1.14 crore.

He said that till July 2012, Kutch was being supplied 155.6 MLD of water, which was augmented to 217.90 MLD in the six months ending December 2012. Of the additional 62.30 MLD, Kutch rural area was supplied 37 MLD.

He said if needed, the government will increase the present supply of 70 MLD to Amreli district.