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Delhi unlikely to get additional water this summer

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The Hindu                       12.04.2013

Delhi unlikely to get additional water this summer

Staff Reporter

Will seek Centre’s intervention once again over release of 80 MGD of water from Munak Canal.

Delhiites might have to make do with whatever water is supplied to them currently as there is little possibility of any additional quantity being given to the city for the coming summer months. With Haryana dragging its feet over the release of the additional 80 MGD of water through the Munak Canal, Delhi might have to spend the summer rationing its supply.

On Thursday, the Delhi Jal Board claimed it is prepared to meet the demand for water and is expanding its network to supply water in areas that have so far not been provided piped water supply; it was however unable to comment on whether it will be able to secure the additional 80 MGD from Haryana.

Delhi has taken up the issue with the Centre several times over, and will again seek the government’s intervention in securing the additional quantum of water. The DJB has been pressing for the release of this 80 MGD as this quantity was supposed to provide water to lakhs of consumers in several parts of the city including Dwarka.

Three new water treatment plants, ready for commissioning, are idling in the absence of this additional raw water.

Referring to initiatives being implemented by the Board, utility’s chief executive officer Debashree Mukherjee said the Board is prepared to face the expected water demand. “To make water supply to consumers more efficient and equitable while bearing in mind the feedback from consumers in the last summer with regard to infrastructure improvement, the DJB has drafted a renewed Summer Action Plan, which includes a detailed execution plan taking care of complaint redress and identification of water deficient areas etc.”

The Jal Board is also banking on recycled water to compensate for the unavailability of additional water and ranney wells for an additional 2 MGD.

The Jal Board will also rationalise water supply across the city to improve distribution and technical feasibility is being carried out to supply water to 210 unauthorised colonies.

For the areas where tankers are used to supply water, 400 new stainless steel containers are being introduced. These tankers, fitted with GPS tracking devices will be monitored for timely delivery of water, the DJB official said.