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Order issued for water supply company

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The Hindu                  18.04.2013

Order issued for water supply company

Staff Reporter

Aim is to prevent fleecing of public by private firms; KWA’s role not to be compromised

The government on Wednesday issued orders for the proposed Kerala Drinking Water Supply Company Ltd, stressing at the same time that there was no intention to privatise the drinking water supply sector in the State and that the company was solely aimed at preventing exorbitant prices that were being charged for drinking water presently.

In an official communiqué here, the government said the number of people depending on bottled water in the State’s towns was on the rise and that water distributors in the private sector were charging excessive rates for the same.

Moreover, the quality of the water too was being compromised. It was in this context that the drinking water supply company, modelled on Cochin International Airport Limited (CIAL), was being set up.

The company would offer water in tankers and bottles as well. Water would be collected from abandoned quarries, ponds, and brackish waterbodies and treated, with permission from authorities, before distribution. No water source currently being used by the Kerala Water Authority would be used by the company.

Share pattern

The KWA would have a 23 per cent share in the company, in which the government would hold 26 per cent shares. The rest would be available for local governing bodies, consumers, residents’ associations, institutions and individuals.