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Water position precarious in Kurnool

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The Hindu                  23.04.2013

Water position precarious in Kurnool

Dried up tank bed of Gajuladinne Reservoir in Kurnool district on Monday.- Photo: U. Subramanyam
Dried up tank bed of Gajuladinne Reservoir in Kurnool district on Monday.- Photo: U. Subramanyam

Water sources are drying up one after the other.

Water supply position has become precarious in Kurnool district with the sources going dry one after the other. The low rainfall in the last monsoon and harsh summer have added to the woes with steep depletion of water levels in the tanks and drinking water sources.

Kurnool city is likely to face water shortage at the fag end of the season if summer showers are not reported in May. The Municipal authorities have stocked 100 tmcft in the summer storage tank which would support the supply for 25 days.

The officials are planning to draw another 150 tmcft from the Sunkesula reservoir to supplement the supply from the summer tank. The reservoir had storage of 370 tmcft, including the dead storage. Municipal Engineer Rajasekhar said with the present availability, the supply could be ensured for 55 days to the city.

Since showers are a regular feature in May, water supply situation is expected to improve before the present storage is exhausted.

Meanwhile, the irrigation authorities secured release of 800 cusecs of water from the State quota of the TB dam, on April 19. The release would continue till April 28.

However, the Municipal authorities do not attach much significance to the TB dam releases as very little quantity of water reaches the Sunkesula barrage due to diversion by farmers along the course of the river.

The situation is not so comfortable in other parts of the district as well.

Gajuladinne reservoir, which is located in the heart of the drought-prone Pathikonda area, has been depleted completely this year for repairs.

But alternative arrangements have been made for supply of water.

Securing the water release through LLC has become difficult what with the farmers in the upper reaches resorting to pilferage.

Meanwhile, the demand for construction of a reservoir with a capacity of 10 tmcft near Gundrevula is growing with the flow to the KC canal declining year after year. The areas dependent on Srisailam canals are reasonably comfortable.