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Goof-up leads to another water shut-down

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The Times of India                  25.04.2013

Goof-up leads to another water shut-down

NAGPUR: Fuelling the ongoing controversy on water supply, the Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) and private water operator Orange City Water Limited (OCWL) have planned yet another two-day shut down, which will affect half the city.

The shut down is likely to evoke strong opposition following the severe water crisis prevailing in the city, especially in the East and North Nagpur which is set to be affected from shut down. Many corporators are also seeing something fishy over the earlier decision to cancel the planned shut down in West and South-West Nagpur.

The shut down has been planned on April 27 and 28. Continuing to ignore mayor Anil Sole's directives, the OCWL did not provide water to affected areas through tankers or any other alternative sources. Supply to the 15 overhead water tanks, which releases water to East and North Nagpur, and parts of South Nagpur, will be stopped.

Interestingly, Sole cancelled the shut down planned for West and South-West Nagpur on April 16 and 17 citing the work as 'non-emergency works'. The mayor had also asked OCWL not to undertake any more shut downs during the summer months.

Yet, the NMC and OCWL have gone ahead and planned the shut down for non-emergency works like installation of flow meters, air valves, interconnection and repairing of leakages. The NMC water works department and OCWL have put the blame on the ongoing JNNURM works. OCWL project manager Sandip Purohit said the shut down was mainly for connecting two newly constructed overhead water tanks at Nandanwan and Kharabi.

The NMC Pench project cell executing JNNURM works had said that works planned by the department were not emergency in nature and could be postponed.

Meanwhile, a big goof-up of NMC and Veolia Water has come to fore. NMC sources told TOI that the work to install zero velocity valves at two places on pipeline supplying water from Kanhan water treatment plant to overhead water tanks in East and North Nagpur should have been undertaken by them before it was put to use. "These valves are very important for preventing from damage to pipeline after power interruption," the sources said.

The Kanhan plant and pipeline was brought into use from 2011.

OCWL spokesperson Sachin Dravekar said the shut down for West and South-West Nagpur will be taken in the coming days. "Shut down is must to execute developmental works under 24X7 water supply project," he said.
Last Updated on Thursday, 25 April 2013 11:48