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Attappady water supply scheme stuck in pipeline

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The Hindu                29.04.2013

Attappady water supply scheme stuck in pipeline

Staff Reporter

Project cost of the scheme is Rs. 24 crore.

A comprehensive water supply scheme of Rs.24 crore for the ‘holistic solution to the drinking water crisis in Attappady block’ sent to the government by the Kerala Water Authority in February is pending sanction.

The scheme with a long-term management plan was prepared for a period of 30 years with 2014 as base year. The technical feasibility report of the scheme said that it was prepared “considering the peculiar geographical location, drought-prone nature, and the socio-economic status of this tribal block, with surface source for the prevailing ills in the drinking water sector in Attappady block which will be economically viable and technically feasible solution in the long run.”

Environmental viability of the project would be ensured by constructing rain water harvesting structures such as check dams across the Bhavani river draining the scheme area to ensure source adequacy during lean season and system sustainability. Drought mitigation plan will be given priority in the system components, the report said.

It said the weakness in myopic planning of mini water supply schemes could be corrected by revamping the ongoing piecemeal approach, which is based on poor technical solution and without any coordination among different agencies in this field.

The project area is drained by river Bhavani and its tributary Siruvani.

Major components of the existing water supply schemes would be suitably rehabilitated in the comprehensive scheme.

Storage reservoir and the distribution network could be fully retained. The existing structure should be restructured to the maximum capacity and utility.

The capacity of the scheme components has been arrived taking a design period of 30 years with 2014 as base year. The design population has been forecasted to the year 2044 taking 1.26 per cent annual increase. Total benefited population comes to 1,03,495.

The demand taken is 70 litres per capita a day (lpcd). The proposal is to utilise the rich surface source available in the perennial Bhavani river which is draining the scheme area, midway through the geographic boundaries of Agali and Pudur grama panchayats.

To ensure adequate summer storage for the scheme during lean season, on overflowing weir was also proposed downstream of the proposed intake well-cum-pump house at Thavalam, the project report said.

Last Updated on Monday, 29 April 2013 05:39