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Hemavathi water may take care of Bangalore needs for 20 days

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Deccan Herald               21.05.2013

Hemavathi water may take care of Bangalore needs for 20 days

The diversion of water into the Krishnaraja Sagara (KRS) reservoir from the Hemavathi may ease some of water hardships faced by Bangalore, at least for the next 20 days.

In addition, 0.5 TMC ft of water could be drawn from Harangi to provide drinking water to the City and villages along the waterway. “Consequently, Bangalore’s water requirement can be assured as being filled for the next one month,” a top government official said.

According to the official, water up to two TMC ft has been diverted from Hemavathi into the KRS dam over the last 10 days, despite vociferous opposition from the residents of Hassan. “Water levels in Shiva Ankut, the storage capacity for the Torekadanahalli pumping station has increased over the last couple of days from 40 to 46 feet as of Monday,” he said.

An official added the water catchment areas near KRS dam have also been deepened with delicate tweaking. The increase in the depth of the KRS dam would help in strengthening the force of water flow to the pumping station.

Sources state that the stiff opposition over the release of water from the Hemavathi reservoir to the KRS by the farmers of Hassan was a major concern. “Keeping in mind the volatile situation, water up to the tune of one TMC ft was released one week ago during night time,” an official said.

At the other end, in the Krishna River basin, sources state that water levels in Almatti Dam is at a “comfortable” level. Water levels at the Almatti reservoir was sufficient to last out the summer.  Water levels at the Bhadra reservoir is also said to be sufficient until the first week of July.

BWSSB breathes easy

In a press statement, the Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board (BWSSB) has said that the water position is likely to improve in the next two days.

 “Action has been taken at various fronts during the last few days on the directions of the chief minister to improve water supply to Bangalore. Water is being regularly released now from the KRS dam. Some water is also released from the Hemavathi reservoir to replenish KRS’s water level,” the release said.

 The BWSSB has appealed to citizens to use the Cauvery water judiciously so that it can be made available to all residents.