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After a fortnight, Mohali water supply back on track

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The Indian Express         04.09.2013

After a fortnight, Mohali water supply back on track

Residents of Mohali were on Tuesday relieved when the water supply in the town resumed after being suspended for around two weeks. Although water supply at normal pressure is expected to resume only after 4-5 days, low-pressure supply resumed Tuesday, providing the residents much-needed respite.

The two pipelines from Kajauli Water Works which were damaged near Gharuan village have been repaired and the entire supply of 20 million gallons daily (mgd) in each pipeline has been resumed.

"It will take a few days to fill up the water works, therefore, the pressure will be low," said R P Gupta, executive engineer, Department of Water Supply and Sanitation (DWSS).

Most of the tankers deployed by the administration, too, have been called back, now that the crisis has ended. "A few tankers were used today because it was the first day and the supply is less than normal. Most of the tankers will be called off by tomorrow," said Gurparkash Singh, sub-divisional engineer, DWSS.

A resident, Arun Sharma, said, "Although the problem was acute till yesterday, and we received water for hardly an hour a day, the situation is much better today."