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Water from tubewells to flow directly to water works

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The Times of India               09.10.2013

Water from tubewells to flow directly to water works

CHANDIGARH: As the engineering wing of Municipal Corporation had recently passed an agenda to install 19 tubewells in the first phase out of a total of 45 in various areas of the city to fulfill the shortage of 9mgd water to be supplied to Panchkula and Chandigarh from next summer, the entire water generated through these tubewells will directly go to the water works of the city, instead of particular residential areas. The tubewells will be connected to all five water works situated in every zone of the city. Out of these 19 tubewells, seven are coming up in Sector 39, adjoining the water works area where a huge chunk of land is lying vacant. Besides, two tubewells each will come up adjoining the water works in sectors 32 and 37. Two more tubewells will be constructed near the water works in Sector 26.

a??Presently, most of the tubewells are directly connected with the residential areas of the city, but as 9mgd scarcity of water will affect the entire city and not any specific areas, therefore the generated water will initially come to the water works of each zone, and from there to the main water works based in Sector 39. After treatment of the water in Sector 39, the supply will be distributed throughout the city,a?? said an official of the engineering wing.

In a recently held monthly house meeting, RC Diwan, SE public health wing of the engineering department, had revealed that seven tubewells can easily be installed in Sector 39, as the MC has 116 acres of land there. Sources in the MC said almost 70% work of laying down the pipelines to provide water to Panchkula and Chandimandir had been completed.