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Water scheme for Attappady proposed

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The Hindu             21.10.2013

Water scheme for Attappady proposed

Staff Reporter

Rs.40-crore KWA project will cover six villages

: The Kerala Water Authority (KWA) has submitted to the State government a proposal for a Rs.40-crore comprehensive drinking water supply scheme for the Attappady Hills, which has been identified as a critically water stress hotspot.

The special package for Attappady announced in June by Union Minister for Rural Affairs Jairam Ramesh in the wake of the death of 35 tribal infants since January owing to malnutrition included a comprehensive water supply scheme. The acute shortage of potable drinking water was found to be one of the major health hazards faced by the tribespeople of Attappady Hills.

The scheme envisages supply of safe water to 48 habitations in six villages in three grama panchayats — Agali, Pudur and Sholayur. The project report said the scheme would cover 88 tribal settlements out of the total 184 with piped water supply.

The remaining isolated tribal settlements would be supplied potable water in tanker tractors during the summer season when the natural sources fail, it said.

The necessity of a comprehensive water supply scheme for Agali and its adjoining panchayats is evident from the perennial drinking water crisis in the area in spite of efforts taken by AHADS, KRWSA, and three-tier local self-governments in water supply during the past 10 years.

A comprehensive scheme with a long-term management plan was prepared for a design period of 30 years with 2014 as base year to cater to the population of 1,15,942 in the year 2044 based on design parameter of 70 lpcd.

The proposal is to utilise the rich surface source of the perennial Bhavani river, which drains the scheme area midway through the geographic boundaries of Agali and Pudur grama panchayats.

To ensure adequate summer storage, an overflowing weir is proposed in the project report

A 10-MLD water treatment plant and 12-LL master service reservoir are also proposed at Kavundickal in Agali from where treated water reaches the existing eight service reservoirs located in the three grama panchayats.

At present, the scheme area has 235 km of distribution network with 749 public hydrants and 5,267 water service connections, it said. As superior quality surface water is readily available untapped in Bhavani river, the project with this surface source is the solution to the prevailing drinking water crisis in Attappady block, the report said.