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Groundwater sources to be registered, monitored

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The Times of India              20.12.2013

Groundwater sources to be registered, monitored

PANAJI: Water resources department (WRD) has announced its policy to register all groundwater sources and structures to ensure judicious use of such water and has laid down guidelines to ensure proper monitoring of withdrawal of groundwater.

The department has laid down a strict regimen to monitor the withdrawal of ground water, especially in industrial, commercial and mining areas. "Permission will not be given without installation of meters while the existing ones should also be metered in a phased manner," an official said.

The department has invited stakeholders and the public to comment on the policy which has been placed in public domain for suggestions and objections. Efforts to ensure registration by owners of wells has not achieved much success due to various factors.

The meters will be checked for quantum of use by the groundwater officer designated by the department or his representative. Surprise checks will be conducted on water suppliers.

"The withdrawal, especially for commercial, industrial and mining use, should be of permanent nature and the pumps should be fixed with a permanent arrangement," the policy states.

WRD officials have been directed to launch a campaign at the village level to sensitize the citizens regarding the importance and judicious use of groundwater and to register existing wells. "They have to seek permissions for new wells in the locality," a WRD officer said.

The utilization of the ground water resources is estimated at 43.83 million cubic meters, which is about 33% of the available resources, and considered safe.

Goa WRD prides itself as being one of the foremost among other states to implement the Goa Ground Water Regulation Act, 2002 (Goa Act 1 of 2002). Environmentalists have been disappointed by its slow enforcement, as excessive exploitation of ground water in some areas has posed a threat of pollution and ingress of salinity.

WRD has conceded the problem exists in some areas. "Though the overall groundwater utilization is safe, there are some localized stressed areas, especially industrial areas, coastal and urban areas and mining belt," the policy states.

The use of water was earlier limited to a few needs such as drinking, cooking, bathing, washing, but advent of technology has increased its uses manifold.

Operators of tankers and all transportation carriers have been directed to register themselves with the groundwater officers, who will issue a pass with their signatures and details of the tanker, the source of drawal and other aspects.

The vehicles will have to use the pass on the wind screen of the tanker.