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Rising cost hits free water aid

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Deccan Chronicle 25.03.2010

Rising cost hits free water aid

March 25th, 2010
DC Correspondent

Adilabad, March 24: The popular Chalivendralu (free drinking water distribution centres) are gradually disappearing during the summer due to water scarcity in the district.

Very few Chalivendralu centres remain in the towns and district headquarters unlike several in the past.

Even the Adilabad Ranjans are not being filled with drinking water due to shortage of drinking water in the district.

The Chalivendralu centres were set up by voluntary organisations at places where people gathered in large numbers and also by the road side during summer to quench the thirst of passersby.

Nearly 40 Chalivendralu centres were set up at various points in Adilabad town but now only three of them remain.

Earlier municipalities used to supply drinking water to the Chalivendralus free of cost, but now the municipalities are facing drinking water shortage due to drought and drastic fall in the ground water levels.

Setting up a Chalivendram has become costly as now as the organisers have to buy the water instead of getting free supply from the municipalities.

This situation has spurred the demand for water sachets in towns and panchayats.

Mr Gandrat Santhosh, president of Spoorthy youth association, said they would set up two Chalivendralu in the town every year during summer but were not able to do so this year as they have to pay for the water.