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Unauthorised sewer users to pay cess from May

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The New Indian Express 09.04.2010

Unauthorised sewer users to pay cess from May


Come May and the Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board (HMWSSB) will levy sewerage cess on premises that do not have a water connection from the board but use its sewerage system.

Having got the go-ahead for its proposal from Chief Minister K Rosaiah during a board meeting recently, the HMWS&SB has decided to collect the charges from next month.

HMWS&SB officials told Expresso that tariff has been finalised for different categories (See Box). According to rough estimates, there are 3 to 4 lakh structures in Greater Hyderabad that do not have water connections but release sewage into the sewerage network maintained by the water board.

“We want to tap unauthorised users and expect to net Rs 3 to 4 crore per month,” board officials said. There are some 10,000 premises, mostly malls, function halls and hotels without the board’s water connection. They get water from other sources but most of them discharge their sewage into the board’s drains.

The board is currently collecting 35 percent of the water supply charges as sewage cess from its customers while others have been using its drains for free.

Mayor hails move for tie-up with Brisbane

Mayor Banda Karthika Reddy has welcomed the proposal for a sister-city relationship between Greater Hyderabad and Brisbane, Australia.

Brisbane Deputy Mayor Cr Graham Quirk, on a three-day visit to the city, mooted the idea. He met the Mayor, Deputy Mayor Jaffer Hussain and GHMC Commissioner Sameer Sharma.

Karthika Reddy sought to know from him the Brisbane Town hall procedures and explained the GHMC activities and infrastructure developments. She also briefed him about the heritage and cultural importance of Hyderabad. She presented a shawl and a replica of the Charminar to the visiting dignitary.

Last Updated on Friday, 09 April 2010 06:23