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Water Supply

CMC drive against illegal water connections to continue

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Source : The Hindu Date : 25.06.2009

CMC drive against illegal water connections to continue

Staff Correspondent

Deputy Commissioner inspects Bijapur CMC meeting hall

Taking stock: Deputy Commissioner R. Shantraju on Wednesday inspecting documents that were burnt in the CMC meeting hall in Bijapur.

Bijapur: Deputy Commissioner R. Shantraju on Wednesday visited the City Municipal Council (CMC) meeting hall, where some miscreants had attempted to set fire to the CMC president’s chair and some official documents on Tuesday during a Janata Dal (Secular) protest rally. The Deputy Commissioner also inspected the documents that were burnt in the incident.

Mr. Shantraju said that the incident may have been staged by some vested interest groups who wanted to divert attention from the operation launched by the CMC to remove all illegal water connections in the city. He instructed the CMC officials not to be disturbed by such tactics and continue the operation until all illegal tap connections were removed and smooth drinking water supply was ensured.


“CMC authorities have filed a case with the city police. A thorough inquiry will be conducted and action will be initiated against the culprits,” he added.

However some CMC councillors, who did not want to be named, said that the presence of important documents at the spot indicated the hand of CMC staff in the incident. Several anomalies had come up at the recent budget meeting and inquiries had been initiated, they said. Perhaps, they wanted all related documents burnt.

“There was no need to keep the officials documents in the CMC meeting hall,” they said. “The staff should bring important files only during the meeting and later keep them in the sections concerned.”

Last Updated on Friday, 26 June 2009 06:53

Raichur to get water once in two days

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Source : The Hindu Date : 24.06.2009

Raichur to get water once in two days

Staff Correspondent

It is to ensure that all 35 wards in the city get supply


Lack of storage at Rampur Water Works main reason

Leaks in Krishna rising main have hit normal supply

Raichur: The Raichur City Municipal Council at a special general body meeting here on Tuesday passed a unanimous resolution to provide drinking water supply in the city once in two days to overcome the problems faced by the citizens.

A. Mareppa, president (caretaker) of the city municipal council, who chaired the meeting, told the meeting that the lack of storage at the Rampur Water Works had affected drinking water supply to about 30 per cent of the population residing in the old city area, the station area and other adjoining localities in the city.

Even the normal water supply from the Krishna Water Works to the rest of the city has been affected owing to frequent leaks in the rising main.

Moving a proposal to provide drinking water once in two days by dividing the city into two parts, he said that it was difficult to ensure proper water supply to all localities in the city under the prevailing conditions.

Maintaining water supply once in two days would help augment water supply to all 35 wards in the city, he suggested.

Supporting the stand of Mr. Mareppa, the former president of the city municipal council and BJP councillor, M. Eranna, and other Opposition Congress members, including G. Shivamurthy, Jayanna and K. Shantappa, said that it had become inevitable to follow the suggestion made by Mr. Mareppa.

Otherwise, it was difficult to ensure water supply to the people in the slums and extensions in the city.

However, some of the ruling BJP members raised objections stating that the citizens were made to suffer without drinking water in many localities only due to the failure of the city municipality in properly handling the water situation.

The meeting passed the resolution when Mr. Eranna was able to convince the members on the need for adopting the suggestion made by Mr. Mareppa and extending cooperation to the authorities concerned in the matter.

The meeting also agreed to ensure water supply once in two days even to industrial areas to safeguard the interests of the citizens.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 24 June 2009 08:18

SCB drinking water woes to end

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Source : The Hindu Date : 24.06.2009

SCB drinking water woes to end

Staff Reporter

Water supplied to 8 wards once in 3 days now Revamp of road junctions to begin soon

Hyderabad: Residents of Secunderabad cantonment can hope to be delivered from shortage of drinking water which has been hounding them for quite some time.

Though the Secunderabad Cantonment Board’s (SCB) has an agreement with the Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board (HMWSSB) to supply 37 lakh gallons of water a day, only 27 lakh gallons a day was being released.

The water is distributed to the eight wards once in two to three days through various pump houses at Balamrai, Bowenpally, Gun Bazaar, Railway Colony, Mahendra Hills, Gunrock Enclave and Rudranagar at Lothkunta.

“We are trying to get the required amount of water to be supplied to residents. We are also looking at condition of pump houses and if need be, new pumps will be installed so that there is no delay in supplying drinking water to the residents,” assured SCB’s new Chief Executive Officer C. Ravindra.

Along with proper water supply, the CEO is making plans for ‘incremental changes of betterment’ of other civic amenities and also ‘beautification’ of the area in time to come. Work is to begin on revamping road junctions and setting up streetlights on main thoroughfares.


Mr. Ravindra said that new areas will be identified and developed into parks along with the help of Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority. Existing parks will be given a helping hand in maintenance . He also assured that encroachment of park lands will be reviewed and more cases will be booked under the Public Premises Prevention of Unauthorised Occupation Act. A few cases have already been booked. The CEO said he would have a fresh look into the contentious revised property tax and changes will be made accordingly.


Last Updated on Wednesday, 24 June 2009 07:37

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