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Water Supply

Work on 24X7 water supply scheme to begin soon

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The Hindu              18.06.2013

Work on 24X7 water supply scheme to begin soon

G.V.Prasada Sarma

Aim is to reduce leakages and improve service delivery

Work on a 24x7, metered water supply project based on preventing wastage, improving infrastructure and installing supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) will begin soon in GVMC.

The project is being taken up under Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission with spill-over funds, pooled up from civic bodies that failed take up works allotted to them under the urban mission.

The project covers the southwest portion of the central part of the city from Scindia to Old Gajuwaka Junction covering Sriharipuram and adjoining areas with a population of 2 to 2.5 lakh.

Tender has been finalised for the Rs.110 crore project and the State Government’s final approval is awaited, sources in GVMC told The Hindu . Though the work is originally planned to be completed in a year, by March 2014, now with the orders for work yet to be given it may stretch up to next June. The foundation for the work was laid by Chief Minister N. Kiran Kumar Reddy in December last.

Presently the area is being supplied 2 mgd to 3 mgd of water from Meghadrigedda and Tatipudi reservoirs.

The project envisages plugging leakages and bringing down the unidentified flow of water or non-revenue water presently estimated at 40 per cent to 16 per cent and improve the water availability by 1 mgd, sources explained.

It aims to reduce leakages and contamination and improve service delivery. To achieve this, old pipelines and pumping mains will be replaced and reservoirs will be constructed block-wise. This will enable monitor gauge pressure variations and ensure supply round-the-clock, explained the sources.

This is the first 24X7 water supply scheme of the GVMC in a large area serving five wards.

The wards have been chosen because of their location with good potential for managing the systems.

The earlier 24X7 supply at Muralinagar covered a few hundred houses and the one at Sagarnagar is a virtual non-starter.


KR Puram residents reluctant to avail new water connections

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Deccan Herald                17.06.2013

KR Puram residents reluctant to avail new water connections

The Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board (BWSSB) seems to be trying all kinds of tactics to ensure that consumers in KR Puram Assembly constituency regularise their water connections.

Ever since the BWSSB commissioned its additional water supply to the City through Cauvery IV stage II phase project, it is struggling to convince citizens to avail new water connections. 

At KR Puram, it is a whole new ball game for the Board as the residents are reluctant to obtain new connections as they have got used to free supply. According to BWSSB records, of the 80,000 household connections laid, only 6,000 consumers have actually obtained a proper water connection.

Initially, when the project was launched in October 2012, the then MLA had organised a special function to receive Cauvery water to the water-starved constituency. After the commissioning of the project, water was supplied free of cost to the residents for over four months by BWSSB. When the Board started to incur loss on the water supply, it limited the supply to these areas. The Board also discontinued supply through water tankers to the households to encourage them to regularise their connections.

But, the strategy did not help the Board. Three corporators visited BWSSB head office recently to persuade the engineer-in-chief to continue water supply through tankers. Former corporator of A Narayanapura ward, S S Prasad, who met the Board's engineer-in-chief, said that BWSSB was not following a proper system in providing new water connections and that is the reason why residents were reluctant to regularise their connections. “The private contractors’ lobby is thriving, looting poor people in the name of providing new water connections. These contractors are demanding huge amounts for the small work of laying the pipelines. This is exactly why people are reluctant to go in for new connections,” Prasad added.

However, T Venkataraju, engineer-in-chief, BWSSB, said that to solve the residents’ problems, they would be issuing 'demand note' (forms) from June 20, which will include Greater Bangalore Water and Sanitation Project (GBWASP) cost, meter cost, metering fixing charges and pro-rata charges. “We will engage BWSSB contractors to enable the water connections for the residents in KR Puram. The Board employees will go door-to-door and issue demand notes, which will have two separate forms. Once the forms are filled and necessary payments made, water connections will be enabled to the households immediately,” he said.

Venkataraju said that the Board will help the residents in regularising their connections, but paying for the connections is inevitable.


Procedure for water connections to be simplified

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The Hindu                15.06.2013

Procedure for water connections to be simplified

Dennis Marcus Mathew

KWA fixes targets for new connections

: Running after the local plumber for months together, shelling out exorbitant sums to get a new water connection, and finally ending up on the wrong side of the law if the connection is illegal, could all soon be things of the past if the Kerala Water Authority’s (KWA) new plan of action for water connections works out well.

The KWA, as part of its efforts to increase the number of people with access to piped water supply in the State, has for the first time fixed targets for new connections apart from decentralising the connection process by delegating the power of the Assistant Executive Engineer to the Assistant Engineer to receive applications, process the same, establish feasibility, and issue sanction to domestic connections.

Technical feasibility

The AE can either directly or through a licensed plumber file the application online, but after careful scrutiny of the application. In the case of connections other than domestic, the prevailing practice will continue. Further, another process that consumes time as of now — judgement of technical feasibility — has been simplified. The AE will ascertain the same and, if not found feasible, inform the applicant in writing. If the applicant still wants the connection, ignoring feasibility, the connection will be granted after obtaining an undertaking from the applicant stating KWA will not be held responsible for inadequate supply of water.


Most importantly, a timeframe has been fixed for the entire process, with water connections in urban areas to be given within 15 days and in rural areas, within 30 days.

The decisions, according to KWA Managing Director Ashok Kumar Singh, were taken since the present procedure was ‘complex’ and also keeping in view the government’s directions to enhance the percentage of connections in rural areas from the present 14 per cent to 50 per cent in the next five years. 

The facility to apply online for new connections is already being offered from the Pallimukku sub-division in Kochi from June 1, with the entire State to have the facility within six months, Mr. Singh told The Hindu . Hopes were that such measures would put pressure on the KWA machinery to raise efficiency standards apart from helping in transparency, better online monitoring, and most importantly, increased revenue collection.

Connection targets

The connection targets for 2013-2014 have been set along with a request being sent to the Public Works and Local Self-Governing departments to include permission for water connection in the Public Service Guarantee Act with the road cutting permission on NHAI/PWD roads to come in 15 days and in Corporation/Municipality/Panchayat areas, in 10 days.

The target for Thiruvananthapuram is 19,846 urban connections and 26,783 rural connections while for Ernakulam, it is 26,549 urban connections and 20,358 rural connections. The figures for Kozhikode are 20,021 urban connections and 22,246 rural connections. The rural areas of Malappuram will account for the highest, with connections to be given this year pegged at 41,172 against an urban aim of 6,478 connections.


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