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Water Supply

64 MLD water flows unaccounted

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The Deccan Chronicle                01.05.2013

64 MLD water flows unaccounted


Kochi: As the city thirsts, it is 64 million litre of water flows unaccounted every day. When the Kerala Water Authority is supplying 168 MLD water to the city, only 104 MLD is being billed. A sizable quantity of the unaccounted water flows to unauthorised connections. According to the Non-Revenue Water Management, the special anti-theft squad of KWA, water theft and illegal connections have become rampant in the city bludgeoning the revenue loss of the Authority.

“Following our effective intervention, there is a considerable decrease in water misuse and theft. Consumption of some major non-domestic consumers increased from 30 kilo litre to 500 kilo litre, when we replaced the faulty and forged metres. It means, the quantity of unbilled water might be decreased significantly,” said K.M. Siddique, KWA assistant executive engineer and chief of the NRWM unit.

The NRWM could garner more than Rs 20 lakh from major defaulters. “Water theft is more rampant in Kochi when compared to other cities in the state. Commercial consumers including hotels and construction sites are the major law breakers,” he added. Meanwhile, several defaulting non-domestic users, though served with notices, are yet to pay the dues.

However, the NRWM is imposing fine only on major offenders and not levying fine from domestic consumers who have faulty metres. The officials have repaired several tampered metres and prevented unauthorised drawing of water from pipelines which helped to provide more water to the customers with valid connections. Due to unauthorised water connections, those having valid connections are deprived of water supply with remote areas in West Kochi worst affected.

Though the increase in revenue can be assessed only through a detailed survey, there is a definite decrease in water theft and quantity of unaccounted water, said the NRWM chief.


New water policy in pipeline

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The Times of India               30.04.2013

New water policy in pipeline

BHUBANESWAR: The state government on Monday announced that it would soon come out with a new water policy for urban areas to ensure uniform distribution of piped water.

"We will prepare the draft and place it before the Cabinet for approval by May," housing and urban development minister Debi Prasad Mishra said after a review meeting chaired by chief minister Naveen Patnaik. Housing and urban development secretary Injeti Srinivas said the new policy will be evolved with a long-term strategy to supply drinking water for the next 10 years. "One of the priority areas will be to install water meters in the houses of consumers. Currently, less than 1% water users have meters," he said.

As an immediate measure, the chief minister has asked the officials to repair damaged water pipes and tube-wells.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 30 April 2013 12:09

State to come out with new water policy

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The Hindu                 30.04.2013

State to come out with new water policy

Staff Reporter

Odisha would soon come out with a policy for water supply in urban centres in the State.

A high-level meeting chaired by Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik here on Monday resolved to strengthen water supply system in urban centres.

Besides, the drinking water supply infrastructure which has been weakened over the years would get focused attention in the new policy, the meeting resolved. Currently, water is being supplied through 286 tankers in water scarce areas while new tankers would be added immediately. “Till now 25019 tube wells have been dug. Tube wells which are defunct are being repaired. From January to June this month, target of digging 4,000 new tube wells has been fixed. As of now, 1,653 new tube wells have been installed,” said Chief Minister’s Office in a statement.

Ongoing projects

Similarly, of 509 targeted water supply systems, 359 tube wells have been completed. Besides, 220 out of 412 water supply systems for anganwadi centres have been completed. The School and Mass education department is spending Rs. 5.15 crore for drinking water supply systems.

The State government has proposed to spend Rs. 25.20 crore for new water supply system in 103 urban local bodies. For ongoing projects (176), the government is spending Rs. 74.30 crore.

Of the 1,850 wards in State’s all ULBs, 1,146 wards had water supply systems while 552 wards had been partially covered.

During 12th five year plan, the State government would cover 50 per cent of the partially and uncovered wards in the State.

National standards

As per national standards, a person is entitled to 135 litres of water per day. In 11 ULBs, water is being supplied more than that of national standards. Similarly, in 13 ULBs, per person water varies between 100 and 135 litres per day.

Statistics show that per person water provisioning in 30 ULB is between 70 and 100 litres per day. In the rest of 49 ULBs, per person water supply is below 70 litres per day. It has been decided to cover all cities and town with standard 135 litres per day in next five years.

Housing and Urban Development Minister Debi Prasad Mishra said the new water policy for urban centres could be ready by next month. Under the new policy, it is be contemplated that consumers would avail the facility through metered water connections and pay accordingly.


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