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Water Supply

Water supply in core areas only by month-end

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The New Indian Express  06.12.2010

Water supply in core areas only by month-end






 HYDERABAD: At a time when all five water reservoirs are brimming with full capacity levels, it is unfortunate that the Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board (HMWS&SB) is not able to provide daily drinking water to lakhs of households in the twin cities.

The five reservoirs of Akkampally (Krishna), Singur, Manjira, Osman Sagar and Himayat Sagar are filled to their Full Tank Levels (FTLs) due to a good monsoon and heavy inflows. So much so that Water Board officials have been forced to open crest gates of these reservoirs on many occasions to release extra water into downstream rivers.

However, filling up of these reservoirs after nearly a decade has not improved the condition of consumers as they are not receiving daily water as expected. As per records of the HMWS&SB, out of 5.7 lakh consumers having water connections, only some 40 percent consumers (2.4 lakh) are reportedly getting daily drinking water.

This after Water Board officials assured that by end-November, they would supply daily water to remaining consumers (4.37 lakh). But it has done precious little to fulfil the assurances given. Now, it has again extended the date for providing daily water by end-December. HMWS&SB officials told Express that daily water supply would be started in most feasible localities initially and subsequently in all areas in a phased manner.

The reason for delay according to officials is that distribution of pipelines are not adequate to take the load. The present system has to be strengthened by additional pipelines and have more water reservoirs, said board officials.

As the financial position of the Water Board is weak, it is not in a position to strengthen the distribution system and it is hoping that the state government would provide funds for the purpose.

Last Updated on Monday, 06 December 2010 10:04

PCMC to identify reasons for Sangvi's water woes

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The Times of India  03.12.2010

PCMC to identify reasons for Sangvi's water woes

PUNE: The Pimpri-Chinchwad Municipal Corporation (PCMC) will take steps to identify reasons for continuing water woes in Sangvi area of the municipal limits.

Speaking to TOI, Ashish Sharma, municipal commissioner said, "We will first find the reason for the problems in water supply and if required we will take remedial measures."

Residents of Sangvi have sent a notice to Sharma demanding that their water woes be resolved. Sharma, who was in New Delhi to attend a meeting said that he was yet to receive the notice.

Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) workers Raju Savale, Rajendra Raut, Hemant Angir and Santosh Kale have sent a notice to the municipal commissioner demanding that the civic administration take measures to solve the water supply problems.

Savale said, "Pavananagar, Sangamnagar and Buddhaghosh society in old Sangvi are receiving irregular water supply at low pressure for the past many years. The people have been complaining to the civic authorities, but in vain. The civic officials visit the area after receiving complaints, but are unable to solve the problems."

He said that the water supply was at such a low pressure that residents have had to fix taps at ground level, dig holes in the ground near the pipeline and fill water.

"The PCMC has laid a six-inch water pipeline to supply water to Pavananagar, Sangamnagar and Buddhaghosh society in old Sangvi, which is inadequate. The people have demanded that the PCMC lay a bigger pipeline to meet their drinking water needs.

Last Updated on Friday, 03 December 2010 11:43

Water supply scheme to be commissioned in January

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The Hindu  01.12.2010

Water supply scheme to be commissioned in January

Staff Reporter

KOLLAM: Water Resources Minister N.K. Premachandran has said the first phase of the Japan International Cooperation Agency-aided water supply scheme in the district will be commissioned on January 15.

The first phase will cover Karavalur, Anchal, Edamulakkal, Arakkal and Meenad. The second phase which will be commissioned soon afterwards will cover Paravur and Mayyanad.

He said the trial run of the Chavara-Panmana drinking water scheme would be held on December 3. Eleven other drinking water projects in the district were in various stages of completion.

Mr. Premachandran was talking to presspersons after attending a district-level review meeting of the Water Resources Department here on Tuesday.

He said steps would be taken to replace the pipes laid under the NH 208.

The pipes now under the highway were outdated asbestos pipes.

These were frequently bursting and damaging the highway.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 01 December 2010 09:50

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