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Effective water management needed, says CMC Vice Prez

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Deccan Herald 20.08.2009

Effective water management needed, says CMC Vice Prez
Kolar, Aug 19, DH News Service

The public should use water effectively and know water management, said CMC Vice President V K Rajesh in a press release here.

Staging protests, dharnas regarding water crisis are welcome but, the public should also see to it that drinking water is not used for other purposes, the Vice President stated.
Out of the 250 borewells,65 per cent of the borewells have gone dry. Water quantity is inadequate in the remaining borewells.

The Rajakaluve which supplies water to Kolaramma and Ammerahalli lakes have been filled with silt.

Added to that, there are many encroachments happening in the City which has added to the water crisis, he added.

Water bills
Only 15 per cent of the residents of the City have been paying water bills and the rest 85 per cent have been irregular in paying water bills which is a bad trend, he said adding that everybody should pay the bills on time; only then modernisation can be be brought in the water supply system and water problem can be solved, he stated.

A survey is being conducted against those who use water used for commercial purposes and if found guilty strict action will be taken against them.

Hotels, nursing homes, theatres and other establishments should make their own arrangements for water supply, the CMC Vice President said.

This time the district has not received usual rains, adding to water crisis. The CMC water is being used for cleaning vehicles, watering vegetable crops, flowers and others too. Many a times, water is wasted even from public taps which has to be avoided.

The public should know that digging borewells is not the only solution for solving the problem. Today, getting water through borewells is not easy as the underground water table is depleted. The only way to solve the problem is to save water, the CMC Vice President stated.