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Desalination project mooted

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The New Indian Express                16.05.2013

Desalination project mooted

It looks like there is an end in sight for the water and power problems of residents in Kumbalangi and Chellanam panchayats. A desalination plant for these pockets of West Kochi is in the pipeline.

 Proposed by a private company, the plant is expected to bring relief to the coastal panchayats where drinking water has been a burning issue for years.

According to sources the company would set up the plant at an estimated cost of `16 crore. The operation of the plant and distribution of water will be vested with the Kerala Water Authority.

The promoters also claimed that the plant would be eco-friendly. “It will function on conventional energy, available locally. It will be cost-effective too, with the  production cost per litre as low as 10 paise.

Drinking water will be produced through vapourisation of saline. The plant will be capable of producing 1 MLD (Million Litres per Day) of water,” said M P Sivadathan of the Kumbalangi Model Tourism Development Society.

 The plant will also generate around 2400 units of electricity. He said the Kerala Water Authority is likely to operate and take over the distribution of water produced at the plant. “Certain minerals will be added to the water produced at the plant to raise its quality to international standards,” said Sivadathan, who is a member of the committee constituted to look into the project.

 A similar project has been implemented at Ramanathapuram in Tamil Nadu which a team of officials of KWA and representatives of local bodies recently visited.

“The plant in Tamil Nadu is smaller in size compared to the one proposed for West Kochi.

A final decision regarding the project is to be taken at a meeting of KWA officials and representatives of Kumbalangi and Chellanam panchayats and other organisations in the region, in Thiruvamnanthapuram, on Wednesday,” he said.