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Mayor promises people-friendly sewage plant

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The Hindu 08.04.2010

Mayor promises people-friendly sewage plant

Special Correspondent

Corporation ready for modifications in the proposed ADB-funded project

Kozhikode: The Kozhikode Corporation is willing to consider viable modifications in the proposed Asian Development Bank (ADB)-funded sewage treatment plant (STP) project near Sarovaram Bio Park.

At a convention called to discuss the project's environmental impact here on Wednesday, Mayor M. Bhaskaran said everything about the project was transparent. ‘‘This city is growing at a fast rate and it needs a sewage treatment plant to check pollution from waste water. We welcome suggestions and modifications on the sewage plant project,'' the Mayor and the Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project (KSUDP) officials who made a presentation on the project said at the convention held at the Corporation Council Hall.

The Mayor said he was happy to find most of the participants at the meeting had spoken in favour of the plant. KSUDP officials did not agree with Prasanth, architect, that the technology used in the proposed plant was outdated.

An Executive Engineer of Kerala Water Authority (KWA) who had studied working of sewage treatment plant in many countries said: “We bring millions of litres of pure water into the city every day from neighbouring places and turn it into waste water. So, it is our responsibility to devise some system to dispose of the large quantities of waste water we generate. This sewage treatment plant is one way to do it.”

The Mayor said it would not be feasible, as suggested by some participants, to empty the waste water into the sea instead of releasing the treated water into Canoly Canal.

KSUDP officials claimed emptying of treated water into Canoly Canal would not cause floods in housing colonies on its either side as feared by STP detractors. The officials claimed the quantity of water released would be only a small percentage and so would not cause floods.

However, the officials said to further reduce chances of flooding due to release of water during rainy season, a provision at the sewage plant for storing treated water could be considered. There, treated water could be held for a few hours to avoid releasing water when water level in the canal and possibility of flood were high.

A. Achyuthan, environmentalist, said he found the project by and large acceptable. Sobhindrean, eco activist, feared it would harm mangrove vegetation in its vicinity.

Manjeri Sunderraj, co-ordinator of an action committee of concerned citizens, said the most objectionable aspect of the project was it envisaged releasing treated water into Conoly Canal when it is “a known fact that water does not flow through this canal.”

The Corporation would be responsible for management of the sewage treatment plant, the Mayor said when doubts were raised about its maintenance and efficiency. Its annual maintenance cost would be around Rs.328 lakh besides salary for its staff, it was announced at the meeting.

Last Updated on Thursday, 08 April 2010 05:38