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Be aware of your rights, know rules made for you: civic body tells its women staff

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Indian Express 09.03.2010

Be aware of your rights, know rules made for you: civic body tells its women staff

Express News Service Tags : corporation, women staff Posted: Tuesday , Mar 09, 2010 at 0341 hrs


Pune: The Pune Municipal Corporation on Monday held an awareness campaign for its women staff. The camp was aimed at educating them on their rights and health care.

Guiding the women staff, PMC assistant medical health officer Vaishali Jadhav said, “women staff, whose children are of marriagable age, should set an example by encouraging their children to go for a medical test instead of focussing on horoscopes.”

It is necessary that no woman should ignore their health while managing the family and office. Every woman should take care of their health, Jadhav said adding a regular medical check-up should be undertaken by working women.

Stressing on immunisation and sex education, Jadhav highlighted the various illnesses that are likely to affect women and shared the ways they cqan be avoided.

Acting PMC legal advisor Manjusha Idhate spoke about the rights of working women and urged them to take advantage of the rules made for them while striving to improve their performance. She urged the women staff to be aware of their rights to property and to oppose dowry and sex detection test.

At a health awareness camp at Kamla Nehru Hospital, legal experts guided the women on Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, Suppression of Immoral Trafficking Act, Pre Conception and Pre Natal Diagnostic and Prevention of Domestic Violence Act.

PMC Urban Community Development conducted a medical check-up camp for women members of self help groups.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 09 March 2010 10:59