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Tamil Nadu News Papers

Water pipelines to commercial establishments disconnected

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The Hindu       12.04.2017   

Water pipelines to commercial establishments disconnected

A corporation worker disconnecting water pipeline in Salem on Tuesday.E.Lakshmi NarayananE_Lakshmi Narayanan;E_Lakshmi Narayanan  

To address the drinking water needs of households

After serving notice on the owners of commercial establishments in the city on Monday, the Salem City Municipal Corporation has started disconnecting water pipelines to them here on Tuesday.

About 113 million litres of water is received from Mettur Dam everyday through two water supply schemes, which is in turn distributed to households and commercial establishments in all the 60 wards. With the water level in the dam dropping to 26 feet, officials decided to give priority to address the drinking water needs of the people for the next three months. Hence, the Corporation announced that 1,387 connections given to commercial establishments would be disconnected from Monday. All the owners of these establishments were served notices and were asked to arrange their own source of water.

On Tuesday, officials began disconnecting water pipelines to commercial establishments in all the four zones. They added that the work will take more than two weeks for completion after which drinking water will be supplied only to households.

A total of 30 connections, Suramangalam Zone – 3, Hasthampatti - 7, Ammapet – 6 and Kondalampatti – 14, were disconnected on Tuesday.


Corpn. has mega plans for solid waste management

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The Hindu       12.04.2017 

Corpn. has mega plans for solid waste management

Focus is on improving the area around Meenakshi temple

The civic body has rolled out mega plans for handling its ever increasing garbage, which currently revolved around 650 to 700 tonnes a day.

Roping in state-of-the-art technology from the country’s premier institution — IIT-Madras —, officials have planned to introduce “cycle-activated sludge technology,” with which recycling is possible to a great extent after treatment without affecting the environment.

Recently, technocrats, accompanied by the civic body’s engineers, visited the Avaniapuram and Sakkimangalam sites, near here, where segregation of waste is being done.

Suggesting transformation from the British instituted “French Drainage Treatment System,” the officials were told about the need for preserving the environment and lessen pollution. Right from modernisation of fleets to improvement of transfer station and compost yard figured in the discussions, officials said.

Presently, Madurai Corporation spends close to Rs. 40 lakh every month in lifting garbage from across the 100 wards.

Though the national average of per capita garbage generation is around 400 grams, the Madurai Corporation claims that it lifts 425 grams per person.

It deploys 2800 conservancy workers and transports garbage in 150 vehicles, including trucks, push carts and tri-cycles from different locations.

Speaking to The Hindu , Corporation Commissioner Sandeep Nanduri said that for segregation purpose, the Corporation had 32 acres of land on the outskirts, but considering the rise in population and newly added wards, an additional 119.27 acres of land had been identified.

After the Corporation expanded from 72 to 100 wards by adding extension areas, its jurisdiction too had expanded from 51.82 square kilometres to 147.99 square kilometres, he added.

Stakeholders’ support

With the Smart City project taking shape, focus is now on improving the area around the Meenakshi Temple. The civic body has planned to introduce not only eco-friendly toilets, but state-of-the-art technology in disposing garbage. “The dumper bins are to be placed underground, so that there is less scope for pollution. Only when the devotees and shopkeepers cooperate, the objective will be fulfilled,” he said.

Special squads would be deployed round-the-clock to clear garbage in and around the Meenakshi Temple.

The authorities were also examining extension of night cleaning to streets situated close to the temple (Avanimoola, Chithirai and Masi Streets) so that movement of garbage hauling trucks is minimum during daytime.

Central funds

While the Union government will provide Rs. 100 crore as first instalment towards Smart City project and an equal sum is expected from the State government before this end of this fiscal, the civic body is also looking for funds from the Centre for the sewer project to cover newly added areas, for which a proposal for Rs. 229.36 crore had been submitted. “The project is expected to be approved soon,” a senior official in the accounts section said.

Not without problems

A section of the conservancy workers employed on contract basis have threatened to go on strike if their demands are not fulfilled soon. According to union representatives, wage agreement with different types of workers had been violated and they also alleged that there were malpractices.

For instance, a worker who was to get Rs. 450 per day, was getting Rs. 325 only. Similarly, a woman conservancy worker said that Rs. 4500 was credited to her account per month against Rs. 7500. Another worker said that she had not got her wages for the last three months.

Corporation officials, however, said that they had taken action against the contractor concerned and claimed that the issue would be sorted out soon.


Corporation plans to collect user charges

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The Hindu      12.04.2017 

Corporation plans to collect user charges

Rates will be fixed according to property tax

City residents across the 100 Wards will soon have to shell out money every month to pay towards solid waste management.

Sources said that the corporation had not yet fixed the amount the residents would have to pay but was in the process of drafting the by-laws for the same.

The by-laws would form part of the Municipal Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016 that the Union Government had framed recently.

Sources in the civic body said that the once it finalised the draft by-laws, the corporation would make it public inviting suggestions.

Thereafter it would obtain the State Government’s permission to publish the same in gazette for implementation.

The corporation’s move comes almost six years after it made a similar attempt to collect user charges under the the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission.

After spending around Rs. 100 crore for improving solid waste collection and management in the city, the corporation drafted by-laws for collecting user fee.

The by-laws said that the civic body would collect Rs. 10, Rs. 20 and Rs. 30 a month from houses based on the property tax.

The corporation, however, had to defer collection following opposition from Councillors.

To date, the corporation did not collect user charges.

Now the civic body was making a renewed effort, the sources said and added that this time it would do so.

MDMK’s State youth wing secretary V. Eswaran, who is fighting a case at the National Green Tribunal against the corporation, said that there was no necessity for the corporation to collect the charges. There was several other ways the corporation could raise money - the first being plugging wastages in waste collection.

The corporation would do well to also streamline the transport system for waste collection, where it was heavily losing money, he added.


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