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Tamil Nadu News Papers

Multi-level car parking facility on the cards

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The Hindu       07.09.2016  

Multi-level car parking facility on the cards

Corporation plans to hire a consultant to prepare detailed project report

Faced with a traffic mess caused by the absence of parking space in many of the prime commercial areas, the Tiruchi Corporation plans to build a multi-level car parking lot in the city.

The Corporation has decided to hire a consultant through Tamil Nadu Urban Infrastructure Financial Services to prepare a detailed project report.

A resolution to this effect was approved at a recent Corporation council meeting. The move is based on a directive from the Commissioner of Municipal Administration, asking the civic body to forward a proposal to hire a consultant.

The Corporation has tentatively identified a 0.43-acre site along Rettai Vaaikal that runs across the cross roads in Thillai Nagar.

A Corporation official said the space along the channel has been cleared of encroachments and a multi-level parking lot could be constructed without affecting the drainage canal. However, a decision on the location would be taken only after a survey by the consultant, an official said.

The decision comes in the wake of persistent demands from civic activists and residents to regulate parking in places such as West Boulevard Road, NSB Road, Nandhi Koil Street, Thillai Nagar Main Road, Shastri Road and other places.

Narrow roads and indiscriminate parking of vehicles have made driving a nightmarish experience in these areas. Many of the major commercial establishments, which have set shop in multi-storey buildings, do not have parking space.

The few that could can hardly accommodate a handful of cars and two-wheelers.

In Thillai Nagar, people visiting shops and innumerable commercial establishments along Thillai Nagar Main Road and Shastri Road park their vehicles on the roadside. The situation has turned so bad that vehicles could hardly negotiate some of the cross roads, especially the 11th Cross. Accidents have become frequent at the cross road intersections.

Pay-and-park system

In 2014, the Corporation unveiled a plan to introduce a pay-and-park system on a pilot basis, predominantly in and around Thillai Nagar, but the initiative never took off. Earlier, it had toyed with an idea of building a multi-storeyed parking lot at Yanaikulam where a commercial complex is planned to be built. Civic activists have long been suggesting that a parking lot be established at Yanaikulam.

“The parking lot should be located around the Mainguard Gate area, given its proximity to the city’s main commercial areas,” said M. Sekaran, president, Federation of Consumer and Service Organisations. The Corporation should create designated parking areas in each locality and the space available beneath Thennur overbridge can be used for the purpose, he said.

But not all are convinced that the latest move by the Corporation to build a multi-level parking lot could solve the problem.

“Thillai Nagar attracts a lot of floating population and it is doubtful whether people visiting the shops and business houses would go all the way to Fort Station road to park their vehicle and walk down,” says Jude P. Armstrong, a resident of Thillai Nagar.

Pointing out that indiscriminate two-wheeler parking also caused the problem, Mr. Armstrong feels that introduction of pay-and-park system and strict enforcement would be an ideal solution.

The corporation could appoint contractors to collect the fee and it would get revenue also, he said.

N. Ramakrishnan, a civic activist, also says the Corporation would do well to find an immediate solution by earmarking parking spaces rather than squandering public money on ambitious projects.


Corporation procures sand-sweeping machines

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The Hindu        07.09.2016

Corporation procures sand-sweeping machines

The sleek hand-held machines will be highly productive as they can be operated even in small lanes, on paver stones and on bridges

MORE TO BE PURCHASED:Corporation Commissioner Sandeep Nanduri (right) and Mayor(in-charge) K. Thiraviam at the launch of sand-sweeping machines in Madurai.— Photo: R. Ashok
MORE TO BE PURCHASED:Corporation Commissioner Sandeep Nanduri (right) and Mayor(in-charge) K. Thiraviam at the launch of sand-sweeping machines in Madurai.— Photo: R. Ashok

There is some good news for the citizens of Temple City. The Corporation of Madurai has procured modern gadgets with which sand accumulated on roadsides can be removed precisely and swiftly.

The sleek hand-held machines will be highly productive as it can be operated even in small lanes, paver stones and on bridges (where, the worker can remove sand and other particles on the holes meant for rainwater drain) without being a hindrance to vehicular movement.

The Corporation had procured five such units at a cost of Rs 2.40 lakh. Initially, each zone (there are four zones) would get one unit and in a phased manner, more numbers would be purchased depending on the requirement, said Mayor (in-charge) K. Thiraviam.

Out of the 100 wards in the city, at least 50 per cent of them had complaints of sand accumulation on the roads, which polluted the stretches, especially, after rain.

Now that the sand-sweeping machines were in place, we would start removing them and try to give a cleaner city, said Commissioner Sandeep Nanduri and added that the new machines could be operated at a stretch, say for instance, for about a kilometre distance and the gadget could collect 37 litres of sand at a time.

The Corporation, an engineer in-charge of road maintenance, said that apart from main thoroughfares like Kalavasal and Arasaradi, Muthu bridge and among other roads and bylanes had been identified, where sand accumulation was high.

Though there were several reasons attributed to sand accumulation on roadsides, the engineer claimed that paver finish roads should be laid as they would not give room for sand accumulation.

“Road contractors should lay the bitumen from end to end as the black topping would not give space for any dust. Likewise, whenever a road is laid, no agency shall dig the stretch as it will not only lead to debris accumulation, but the even surface will get spoiled.

After spending over Rs.55 lakh on laying new road two months ago, where the Regional Passport Office (near lotus tank) is situated, the road has been dug now after sewage complaints.

Yet another stretch, which has always been under repair, is the Old Natham Road. Due to bad road, carriage space had shrunk. The residents complained that the Underground Drainage System was not properly maintained and sewage flowed freely on the road.

When it dried up, the sewage got mixed up with sand and was never removed. This caused unpleasant smell and also posed a threat to road-users as the stretch turned as mosquito-breeding centre.

Most importantly, sand-laden trucks should be penalised or impounded whenever they transported sand without covering them with tarpaulin sheets.

The Teppakulam-Kamarajar Salai was a classic example where sand accumulated on roadsides had resulted in freak accidents on many occasions.

With the sand-sweeping machines in place, the councillors, cutting across party lines, said that the officials should not just confine to cleaning only arterial intersections, but also clean up residential locations.

There are 100 wards and five machines may not be sufficient to clean the city. But it was a good beginning and good news in the right direction, they hailed.


New Corporation Commissioner to focus on grievance redressal

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The Hindu          02.09.2016

New Corporation Commissioner to focus on grievance redressal

The new Commissioner of the Tiruchi Corporation, N. Ravichandran, on Thursday said that importance will be given to redressing grievances of residents.

Shortly after assuming office as Commissioner of Tiruchi Corporation, replacing N.S. Prema, who attained superannuation on Wednesday, Mr. Ravichandran said he would ensure immediate action on public grievances. Officials would be sensitised to give priority to redressing public grievances.

Besides implementing ongoing projects, he would take steps to improve services of the Corporation to the residents.

Later, he released draft electoral rolls of Tiruchi West and Tiruchi East Assembly constituencies in the presence of officials. He distributed draft rolls to the residents, who visited the Corporation on Thursday. He asked the voters to check and cross check their names in the voters’ list.

Mr. Ravichandran held a meeting with M. Geetharani, City Health Officer, and senior officials of public health department. He took stock of the preventive measures being taken against dengue and other communicable diseases and steps taken to prevent mosquito breeding.

Pointing out the forthcoming monsoon season, he asked the officials to list out vulnerable areas so as to take pre-monsoon preventive steps to control mosquito breeding.

Effective steps should be taken on clusters, where dengue and other cases were reported. Similarly, awareness campaigns should be carried out to create awareness among people about the need for destroying mosquito breeding sources.


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