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Corporation short of staff to check mosquito control activity

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The Hindu        04.12.2014     

Corporation short of staff to check mosquito control activity

Collector convenes meeting with health officials as dengue fever fear grips city

Even as dengue fever is posing a major challenge to health authorities, the Madurai Corporation is running short of health inspectors to oversee mosquito control activity.

In the absence of health inspectors, the corporation is left to depend only on sanitary workers.

The worst affected areas are the 28 wards added to the corporation three years ago.

Public health sources told The Hindu on Wednesday that the Madurai Corporation had made a request to the Health Department to depute its health inspectors for overseeing fogging and sanitation works in the added areas situated on the peripheries.

“Ever since the new wards came into being, the Health Department has been looking after only maternal and child health, leaving other areas to the corporation. Since we do not have health inspectors, there is no proper monitoring of mosquito control activity,” the officials said.

The corporation has its health staff only for the 72 old wards.

Heeding the corporation’s plea, the Health Department will deploy 15 health inspectors for corporation work and some more are expected to come on transfer from other places soon.

Meanwhile, the city is gripped with fear of dengue fever as health authorities have noted that positive cases increased in November. An emergency meeting was convened by Collector L. Subramanian on Wednesday with officials of public health, school education and corporation.

He, along with Corporation Commissioner C. Kathiravan, took stock of the fever prevalence and the measures to be undertaken for dengue control.

“We have been continuously holding meetings to control vector-borne and water-borne diseases. Instructions are given to local bodiesand all departments. But the field-level reality is that dengue prevention message has not percolated ,” the Collector observed at the meeting.

Mr. Subramanian assigned responsibility to each department while instructing them to work in coordination for effective results.

Schools will receive special priority during the anti-dengue drive.

Deputy Director of Health Services S. Senthilkumar will be the nodal officer and he will brief the Collector daily about fever cases and preventive steps carried out.

In rural areas, block development officers were asked to take up the responsibility of monitoring fever cases.


Corporation to regularise auto stands

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The Hindu         04.12.2014   

Corporation to regularise auto stands

Even as the new rate for autorickshaws with digitalised meter comes into effect on Friday, the Tiruchirappalli City Corporation has decided to regularise stands for autorickshaws in the city.

The autorickshaw drivers will have to pay licence fee for parking vehicles in the identified stands of the corporation. The decision will come into force immediately once it receives approval from the Tiruchi District Traffic Advisory Committee for permitting stands at 337 locations. The proposal has been approved by the Corporation Council that met here a few days ago.

The proposed move was expected to increase the number of autorickshaw stands from existing 337 to 674 in the city. They have been classified into A, B, C grades depending upon the location of them. The stands at thickly populated areas, bus stands, railway junction, and railway stations will be brought under A grade stand category.

The licence fee for parking in “A” category stand has been fixed at Rs. 1,000. It is Rs. 750 and Rs. 350 for B and C categories. A provision has been given to pay the fee once in six months.

Sources said that the corporation authorities had visited most of the identified auto stands and conducted a survey. They had been impressed upon the need for regularisation of them.

A survey revealed that there were 3,844 autorickshaws in the city. Nearly 10 per cent of them had been operating from “A” grade stands.

The move has received good support from many autorickshaw drivers.

“It is a good attempt. It will give official approval for operating from identified stands,” says C. Annadurai, secretary, Indira Gandhi College Auto Stand.

B. Hussain Babu, an autorickshaw driver at Anna Nagar, said it was a long-pending demand for autorickshaw drivers.

They were ready to pay the parking fee. However, the authorities should ensure that it was only nominal.

A senior official of the corporation said each stand should be administered by a self-regulated body of autorickshaw drivers in the specified location. The members would be given photo identity cards by the corporation. Autorickshaws, which were allotted a parking lot, would not be allowed to park in other stands. All drivers should wear uniforms while on duty. They should follow standard rules and regulations. Action would be taken against those violating them.


Corporation steps up dengue prevention campaign

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The Hindu     02.12.2014  

Corporation steps up dengue prevention campaign

The Tiruchirappalli City Corporation has stepped up dengue preventive campaign in the wake of continuous spell of rain.

A review meeting was held at the corporation building here on Monday.

A. Jaya, Mayor, and V.P. Thandapani, Commissioner, senior officials and zonal chairmen attended in it.

Explaining the steps taken to control dengue, T. Mariappan, Corporation Health Officer, said it had been carrying out continuous awareness campaign on dengue and other fevers.

Health officials had been asked to pay special attention to the patients if they came to health centres with symptoms of fever.

The residents should consult doctors even for a minor fever.

He said that social welfare activists had been involved in the campaign.

The residents should clean the empty containers, used tea cups, tyres, and so on in order to prevent water storing on them.

Meanwhile, the corporation observed World AIDS Day on Monday. A. Jaya, Mayor, V.P. Thandapani and others took part in a programme conducted on the occasion.


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