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Tamil Nadu News Papers

Slum children at receiving end

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The New Indian Express 16.11.2009

Slum children at receiving end

VASANTH, 15, works at a clothes shop in the bazaar area of Vyasarpadi. He leaves home at 9 am and returns by 8.30 pm.

Given an option, Vasanth would pursue schooling rather than go to work. It is an option that has been denied to him.

Vasanth is among the 17 million child labourers in the country. In all, there are 70 million school dropouts in India. Till last year, Vasanth was a student of the Corporation High School in Kalayanapuram.

But authorities claimed he was a mischief monger and forced his parents — both daily wage labourers — to withdraw him from school.

“Teachers used to cook up reasons to beat me up and insult me,” alleges Vasanth, who is a Dalit. He claims he was victimised ever since he noticed a lizard in the mid-day meal served in the school three years ago and alerted the school authorities.

Sathya, 17, a slum dweller, dropped out of the Corporation school in Ganeshpuram after he flunked his exams.

At present, he is taking private tuition, which has created a big hole in his parents’ pocket: Rs 3,000 as admission fee and Rs 600 as monthly fee.

“This is a regular feature here,” says N Thangaraj of Vyasarpadi-based SCTEDS (Slum Children Sports Talent Education Development Society), which is a partner organisation of CRY (Child Rights and You). “After Class VI, most students dropout of school. Lack of committed teachers is one of the main reasons for their inability to retain students in schools,” he claims.

“Their right to free education must be protected. At present, the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 does not cover kids below six years of age and those in the 15 to 18 years age group. Eighth pass outs are inadequately qualified — either for vocations or for life,” says CRY DGM P Krishnamurthy.

High cost of private education, need to work to support their families and little interest in studies are the main reasons given by three-fourths of the dropouts for skipping school, says Sahaya Teresa of CRY.

Last Updated on Monday, 16 November 2009 09:22

Work on 35 overhead tanks begins on a single day

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The Hindu 16.11.2009

Work on 35 overhead tanks begins on a single day

Special Correspondent

Residents of Tiruchi city in general and residents of the newly added areas are happy

— Photo: R. Ashok.

FEAT: Transport Minister K.N. Nehru laying the foundation stone for an overhead water tank at Jeganathapuram in Tiruchi.

TIRUCHI: The Tiruchi Corporation set a record of sorts when it launched the works on construction of 35 overhead water tanks in different parts of the city on a single day on Saturday.

The Transport Minister, K. N. Nehru laid foundation stone for all the 35 tanks at different sites in the city yesterday morning, much to the delight the residents of the city in general and the residents of the newly added areas, who are the major beneficiaries, in particular. These water tanks will come up under the Rs. 169 crores drinking water supply augmentation scheme with the financial assistance from the Japan Bank for International Cooperation. Mr. Nehru laid the foundation stone first at Sanjeevi Nagar (Devadhanam) in the presence of S. Sujatha, Mayor, T. T. Balsamy, Corporation Commissioner, M. Anbazhagan, Deputy Mayor, Anbil Periasamy and K. N. Sekaran, both MLAs. The District Collector, T. Soundiah presided over.

Later he visited all the other identified sites and formally inaugurated the works. Already 54 OHTs existed in the Corporation limits and the new tanks proposed will have a total storage capacity of 163 lakh litres of water.

The scheme will increase the per capita drinking water supply to 135 litres per day, besides ensuring equitable distribution to all parts of the city. The construction works are likely to be completed within a couple of years, a corporation press release said.

Last Updated on Monday, 16 November 2009 02:16

Corpn. removes encroachment on reserve site

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The Hindu 16.11.2009

Corpn. removes encroachment on reserve site

Staff Reporter

Unauthorised utilisation, construction of structures being listed out in the city

— Photo:K. Ananthan

Stringent action: An unauthorised structure in the reserved site at Meena Estate in the city being removed by the Corporation on Saturday.

Coimbatore: The Coimbatore Corporation authorities on Saturday removed an unauthorised makeshift structure put up on a reserve site in Meena Estate area of Coimbatore City.


Following reports about unauthorised utilisation of the reserve site and construction of structures without prior plan approval, the officials swung into action.

Corporation officials reached the scene with truck, earthmovers and personnel for razing down the structures. The makeshift structure was removed by the officials.


Following request from the occupants of the reserve site where a temple is located, a house constructed for the stay of the priest was left.

Time given

The officials gave the occupants time to vacate and sought the removal of the concrete structure. They said that across the city such unauthorised structures were being listed out and stringent action would be initiated against the persons involved.

Last Updated on Monday, 16 November 2009 02:10

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