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Tamil Nadu News Papers

Corporation yet to hike library cess

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The Hindu 19.08.2009

Corporation yet to hike library cess

K. Lakshmi

CHENNAI: The Chennai Corporation is yet to hike library cess on property tax from 5 per cent to 10 per cent as directed by the State government last year, according to sources at Chennai District Local Library Authority.

Sources in the LLA said that on an average, nearly Rs. 10 crore was being collected as the cess in the city. Also, many civic bodies across the State, including the Corporation, owe a huge amount collected as library cess to the LLA. Last year, only Rs. 50 crore cess was remitted by the local bodies as against a demand of Rs. 75 crore.

As the Public Libraries Department depended on this revenue to carry out developmental activities, prompt remittance were important. While 25 per cent of the amount collected is allocated towards purchase of new books, 50 per cent is towards improvement of infrastructure. The remaining amount was used for recurring expenditure.

With a portion of the funds of Chennai District LLA being diverted towards the construction of State Library Complex in Kotturpuram, increase in revenue collection would ensure smooth functioning of the department, the officials added.

The cess remitted by the Chennai Corporation varied from Rs. 20.09 crore in 2006-07 to nearly Rs. 9 crore in 2007-08 and Rs. 13.6 crore last year. In the current fiscal, the amount remitted between April and July is Rs. 85 lakh.

At present, there is no paucity of funds, and the Chennai District LLA is managing with a term deposit of Rs. 40 crore, which was created from a portion of revenue every year. “There is no proper mechanism to assess the demand and collection of library cess in the department. We would know the complete details only during the Local Fund Audit conducted every year,” the officials said.

Mayor M. Subramanian said that the Corporation would soon hike the library cess and at present, the civic body is reviewing the property tax for under-assessed properties. “We have identified 40,000 such commercial buildings. Once the process is completed, the cess would be hiked as per the government order”, he said.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 04:23

CMDA report ready on City Corporations

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The Hindu 19.08.2009

CMDA report ready on City Corporations

A. Srivathsan

Chennai: Chennai city is set to have two new corporations. The Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority, in a report submitted to the Deputy Chief Minister on Tuesday, has recommended two alternatives to re-delineate the City Corporation limits.

An official source said the recommendations include the expansion of the City Corporation boundaries and the absorption of various local bodies within the Chennai Metropolitan Area.

The government of Tamil Nadu set up a committee to examine the possible delineation of new corporations and the initial report was submitted in May 2008. Following this, public consultations were held in Tambaram, Ambattur and Thiruvottiyur in 2008 and 2009.

Public comments were invited regarding five different configurations of three proposed corporations: Chennai City, Chennai Tambaram and Chennai Ambattur.

The two alternatives proposed have new configurations and were derived from the consultation exercises. The main objectives of creating the corporations, as stated by the government, are to create ‘higher order local bodies’ to improve infrastructure and public services, generate better resources and facilitate private-public partnerships for infrastructure projects.

The government expects that the creation of corporations will help optimise expenditure, improve the administration and lead to better enforcement of rules and regulations.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 04:16

Civic body gears up for rain

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Deccan Chronicle 18.08.2009

Civic body gears up for rain

August 18th, 2009
By Our Correspondent

Chennai, Aug. 17: The corporation headquarters on Monday alerted its zonal and divisional offices to be prepared to tackle the effects of recent spells of rain due to low pressure. “Corporation staff have been instructed to monitor the low lying areas round-the-clock and motor pumps are in place to drain stormwater in case of flooding, Said corporation commissioner Rajesh Lakhoni.

Meanwhile, the city corporation conducted an awareness campaign for its schoolteachers on swine flu. Around 250 teachers who took part in the session were briefed about the symptoms of swine flu and its prevalence. Medical officers of the city corporation answered the queries relating to H1N1 virus. Deputy commissioner (heath) Jothi

Nirmala and senior health officials attended the meeting. According to Rajesh Lakhoni, headmasters and assistant headmasters from corporation schools participated in the awareness session. Similar sessions will be carried out over the next 10 days and if needed the training will be extended.


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