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Tamil Nadu News Papers

Corporation begins restoring roads dug for laying UGD pipelines

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The Hindu      18.08.2014

Corporation begins restoring roads dug for laying UGD pipelines

‘Civic body has obtained funds from Govt. to re-lay roads’

The Thair Itteri Road in Coimbatore that wasre-laid by the Coimbatore Corporation recently.— Photo: M.Periasamy
The Thair Itteri Road in Coimbatore that wasre-laid by the Coimbatore Corporation recently.— Photo: M.Periasamy

In the next couple of weeks, the Coimbatore Corporation will be busy restoring those roads that were dug for laying the underground drainage (UGD) pipelines. The work will happen on a priority basis, as the objective is to restore the roads before the next spell of rain, says Commissioner G. Latha.

The work to restore the roads started about a couple of days ago. The roads measuring more than 20 km are spread over five wards in the North Zone and 12 wards in the East Zone.

The work involves filling earth over the pipelines to pack the trench-like dug portions and then packing them with cement and concrete and then levelling the place so that road users have a more-or-less flat surface to drive on.

The Corporation has thus far dug 190 km roads. Of those, roads measuring 153 km were bitumen-topped ones. The Corporation has restored 131 km of those bitumen-topped roads.

More than 40 km roads were earthen roads, which the Corporation has restored using earth and gravel.

Ms. Latha says that the contractors, who undertook the UGD pipeline laying work, are busy restoring the roads. Three engineers in the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission wing are supervising the work.

Once the restoration work is complete, the Corporation will then go for laying the roads, for which the civic body has already floated tenders.

Ms. Latha says that restoring the roads to motorable condition is a contractual obligation of the companies that bagged the contract to lay UGD pipelines. Re-laying the roads is the Corporation’s job and the two works ought not to be confused.

For re-laying the roads that were dug and damaged, the Corporation had obtained funds worth more than Rs. 50 crore from the State Government and had re-laid a number of roads.


Fresh push to e-governance in municipal bodies

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The Hindu        18.08.2014 

Fresh push to e-governance in municipal bodies

Will the Nagercoil municipality or the Vellore municipal corporation be able to provide its services using mobile applications?

The answer will be in the affirmative once e-governance plans of the municipal administration authorities fructify. And, the days are not far off for various urban local bodies in Tamil Nadu to offer a comprehensive set of services through information technology, says a senior official.

About 10 days ago, the Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MAWS) Department issued an order, giving the go-ahead for a project to implement a State-level solution for e-governance in all urban local bodies. However, this initiative will not include Chennai Corporation, which has a separate plan.

On a pilot basis, the project will be carried out in the Coimbatore municipal corporation and a few municipalities. After studying the outcome, it will be rolled out in the rest of the State. A sum of Rs. 18 crore has been sanctioned.

The proposal originally forms part of the National Mission Mode Project on e-governance, a component of the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission that awaits an overhaul under the new BJP government.

To carry out the project, the Commissionerate of Municipal Administration has chosen a systems integrator: Bahwan CyberTek, a global provider of software products and solutions. PwC has been made the project management consultant.

The Comptroller and Auditor-General, in its report for the year ended March 31, 2013, pulled up five municipal corporations for the tardy progress in computerisation during 2005-2013.

The latest project envisages web-based applications and interface with geographical information system (GIS). Different modules are being developed for a host of functions of the local bodies such as property tax, water supply, building permission, solid waste management and grievance redress. Other modules, for schools management and hospital management systems, will also be formed.

As for the fate of the existing level of computerisation in different urban local bodies, the official says this will be absorbed into the proposed e-governance regime. The main idea is to improve service delivery to the public. The other objectives include increasing the transparency in the processes; ensuring seamless flow of information across all levels of the local bodies; and increasing their productivity.

On the progress of the project, the official says modules for property tax collection and birth and death certificates will be ready by January. The entire project is expected to be completed in a year.


Corporation considers 50% cut in workforce

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The Hindu        18.08.2014

Corporation considers 50% cut in workforce

Committee to suggest steps; officials reluctant on proposal to abolish post of tax collector

Chennai Corporation is considering a proposal to reduce its workforce by 50 per cent. The civic body has constituted a committee to recommend measures on reduction of workforce in all departments.

Automation of some civic services and outsourcing of operations will be the alternative to the work of a chunk of the workforce in case the recommendations that the committee is likely to suggest are implemented.

The committee has already begun work. One of the suggestions made by the committee recently was to abolish the post of tax collectors and promote outsourcing of tax collection through banks.

However, the senior officials of Chennai Corporation are reluctant to abolish all the posts of tax collectors, who have been instrumental in collection of 80 per cent of property tax last year.

“Most of the assessees will not pay property tax on their own. Each tax collector persuades at least 3,000 residents and traders to pay property tax every year.

There will be a dip in property tax collection if the post of tax collector is abolished,” said an employee of Chennai Corporation.

The posts of tax assessors and licence inspectors will continue to be filled in the revenue department for assessment of property or issuance of trade licence.

Scrutiny on

The committee has also started screening all other sections of employees including those pertaining to bus routes, parks, playgrounds, stormwater drains, public health and streetlights to explore the possibility of reducing workforce.

Officials say tax collectors play vital role in persuading residents to pay property tax

Other sections under the scanner include those involved with bus routes, parks


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