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Tamil Nadu News Papers

Water supply once in four days

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The Hindu              01.02.2014

Water supply once in four days

Special Correspondent

The Municipal Corporation will supply drinking water only once in four days from February as the water level in Vaigai river has depleted and other sources are not encouraging.

Mayor V.V.Rajan Chellappa said on Friday that the drinking water supply system had to be modified in the city after taking into account the water status report on January 31.

“The storage level has come down drastically in the Vaigai. Only if we supply water once in four days, the situation can be managed for the next 90 days through the peak summer. Hence the Corporation took the decision to increase it to once in four days from the present supply of once in two days through tankers,” he said.

Simultaneously, the authorities are taking steps to sink 125 borewells in each zone of the Corporation and to augment supply from private wells. Totally 55 wells have been identified in the suburban areas and the owners will be paid on load basis.

The quota for Madurai Corporation from the Vaigai is 60 Million Litres per Day and owing to drought conditions it was scaled down to 40 Million Litres per Day.

Special fund

Mr.Chellappa said a special fund was being allocated to tackle water scarcity. The water distribution schedule for each area would be announced soon.

Corporation Commissioner Kiran Gurrala and City Engineer A. Mathuram held extensive meetings with officials to prepare a plan of action for water supply.


Tiruchi corporation revises water tariff

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The Hindu              31.01.2014

Tiruchi corporation revises water tariff

Residents of the city will have to shell out more towards water charges from April as the Tiruchirpalli City Corporation Council on Thursday revised the rates across the board for all categories of consumers.

The increase, to come into effect from April 1, will be the steepest for domestic consumers as they will have to shell out Rs. 160 a month towards water charges, 60 per cent more than the existing rate.

Deposit rates and the monthly charges for non-domestic and industrial connections have been increased.

Although the council approved a resolution in April last year providing for increasing the water charges with effect from August 1, 2013, the decision was not implemented as the government had not accepted it, officials said. The council had then fixed the water charge for domestic connections at Rs. 125 a month although the official resolution had proposed the doubling of the levy to Rs. 200 a month.

The official resolution, approved at an urgent meeting of the council chaired by Mayor A. Jaya on Thursday, justified the increase on the grounds that the civic body has to repay loans taken for the Rs. 221.42 crore new drinking water augmentation scheme.

It pointed out that the civic body in 2008 approved a resolution providing for increasing the charges in stages in the wake of the implementation of the new scheme and the civic body’s financial commitment to it.

As councillors of Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam were suspended from the meeting, it was left to members of the Marumalarchi Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam, Desiya Murpokku Dravida Kazhagam, the Congress and Independent MLA M. Venkataraj to raise a feeble objection to the move.

Mr. Venkataraj and the other party members contended that the increase would put a heavy burden on residents and demanded a reduction as the new water scheme was yet to be commissioned.

City Engineer R. Chandran said the civic body had already started supplying water from the new scheme to some parts of the city and the scheme would be fully commissioned shortly.

V.P. Thandapani, Corporation Commissioner, said the corporation was only maintaining “status quo” in the light of the resolution approved by the council in 2008 and revised rates would come into effect only after the new scheme was commissioned.


No drinking water supply for two days

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The Hindu              31.01.2014

No drinking water supply for two days

As Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board will be carrying out repair works in Mettur — Salem — Attur Combined Water Supply Scheme pipelines in Komburankadu, there will be no drinking water supply to residents in corporation areas on January 31 (Friday) and February 1 (Saturday). A press release from the Corporation Commissioner M. Ashokan asked people to use the water efficiently.


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