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Tamil Nadu News Papers

Corporation to get administrative sanction for bus stand in Srirangam

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The Hindu             10.01.2014

Corporation to get administrative sanction for bus stand in Srirangam

S. Ganesan

6.69-acre site identified at Panchakarai for the project at a cost of Rs. 24 crore

Tiruchirapalli City Corporation would soon move the government to get administrative sanction for establishing a bus stand for the heritage town of Srirangam at Panchakarai on the banks of the Coleroon.

The corporation that had appointed a consultant to design and prepare a detailed estimate for the project has finalised the 6.69-acre site at Panchakarai, adjacent to Yatri Nivas that is coming up there. The site was narrowed down after four or five options were considered, officials said. On Thursday, Local Administration Minister K.P. Munusamy inspected the site along with T.P. Poonachi, Minister for Khadi and Village Industries, R. Manoharan, Chief Whip, Jayashree Muralidharan, Collector, and corporation officials.

Despite being a major tourist attraction, Srirangam does not have a proper bus stand. Town and mofussil buses and tourist vehicles have to be parked on the roadside. The town with a population of about 1.02 lakh attracts a floating population of about 20,000 every day. Nearly 300 tourist vehicles visit the town every day. The corporation has decided to establish the bus stand at a cost of Rs. 24 crore on a portion of its old sewage treatment farm.

“The conceptual plan has been finalised. We will soon forward a proposal to the government for getting administrative sanction,” Corporation Commissioner V.P. Thandapani told The Hindu .

He said while the bus stand with 26 bus bays and associate amenities would be set up in an area of about three acres, a parking lot for four-wheelers and two-wheelers would be established in the remaining portion of the land in the rear.

The civic body has decided to divert the sewage flow to the farm through a separate drain under Tamil Nadu Urban Infrastructure Project (TURIP) at a cost of Rs. 3.2 crore and the work has commenced. The drain will be connected to the new underground drainage (UGD) system currently being established in Srirangam, Mr. Thandapani said.

Mr. Munusamy also inspected the progress of work on the UGD and drinking water supply augmentation scheme for the city being implemented with Japanese assistance.


Pudukottai gets RO plant and gasifier crematorium

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The Hindu             10.01.2014

Pudukottai gets RO plant and gasifier crematorium

Sweet news:Reverse osmosis unit being installed at ward 41 in Pudukottai on Thursday.
Sweet news:Reverse osmosis unit being installed at ward 41 in Pudukottai on Thursday.

A reverse osmosis plant, an overhead tank, and a gasifier crematorium will be inaugurated in the town on Friday. The reverse osmosis plant is to supply drinking water to the residents of ward 41.

Though the municipality had set up a mini power pump, the pH level was not up to the standard. Hence, the municipality set up the plant for making it potable, said S.A.S. Sait, municipal chairman (in-charge).

An overhead tank with a capacity of two lakh litres at Adappanvayal caters to the needs of ward 7, 8 and 9.

The supply of drinking water under the Cauvery Combined Water Scheme to these wards would be augmented, he said.

The tank was constructed at an estimate of Rs. 26 lakh under the general funds and the MLA constituency area development fund.

Though the municipality had constructed a gasifier crematorium at a cost of Rs. 49 lakh at Bose Nagar about a couple of years ago, it was not inaugurated for want of additional facilities.

New facilities, including toilets, garden, and a hall, have been provided at an expenditure of Rs. 24 lakh.

N. Subramanian, Minister for Adi Dravidar Welfare, and C. Vijayabaskar, Minister for Health, would declare open the facilities.


Three types of speed-breakers to come up

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Deccan Chronicle             09.01.2014

Three types of speed-breakers to come up

Chennai: Motorists who curse the bumpy speed breakers can now hope for some respite from the corporation which has decided to make motor-friendly speed-breakers.

The non-uniform speed breakers would be re­m­oved and new ones will be installed. Ch­­ennai corporation had be­en receiving compla­ints reg­arding so­me sp­ee­d-br­eakers.

“Several speed-breakers set up in the city are not est­abli­hed as per Indian Road Congress gu­ide­li­nes,” the release no­ted, adding that the civic bo­dy had decided to in­stall three specific types of sp­e­ed breakers, which wo­u­ld regulate the vehicles at a speed of 25 km, 15 km and 10 km per hour. Ro­ad tu­rns, accident-pr­o­ne zo­nes, hospital and sc­hool zo­nes will be exa­mi­n­ed.

“I welcome the corporation’s move to custo­m­ise the speed-breakers as they could be life savi­ng,” sa­­id Dr V. Kanagasabai, di­­­r­e­ctor of medical edu­c­a­­t­ion and dean of MMC.

“Wh­en a sp­ee­ding vehicle hits an non-uniform sp­e­ed br­ea­k­er, it could lead to an acc­ide­nt, resulting in in­ju­ries, particularly to the spinal cord.

“People who have un­dergone hip replacement surgeries and senior citiz­ens can suffer spontane­o­us fractures,” Dr Ka­na­ga­s­abai said.

“Many of the speed-breakers are not un­iformly laid and my vehicle gets severely damaged by those,” said La­­xman Ramesh, a re­tired furnace engineer at Ve­lachery. “I wonder whe­ther they are ‘speed-bre­akers’ or ‘vehicle breakers’,” he adds.


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