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Tamil Nadu News Papers

Work on storm water drains in full swing

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The Hindu                09.12.2013

Work on storm water drains in full swing

apace:Workers engaged in the construction of a storm water drain in Srirangam. —Photo: M. Moorthy
apace:Workers engaged in the construction of a storm water drain in Srirangam. —Photo: M. Moorthy

Water stagnation in the wake of the recent rain is not only a breeding ground for mosquitoes, but also a major source of health hazard to the residents of Srirangam, especially those living on the Ammamandapam Road and the Gandhi Road.

But, the irony is even a short spell of rain is enough to expose the poor drainage system in the town.

Realising the need of the hour, the civic body has taken up construction of storm water drains at these roads and the work has been in full swing for the past few days. The roads have been dug to a width of about three metres up to the houses, commercial complex, and private buildings, and to a depth of about one metre.

The civic body has designed a plan to ensure prompt draining of the storm water and to harvest the rainwater as well.

“Provision of storm water drain is mandatory on all major roads and the corporation has designed a programme to provide it in all the needy areas,” says V.P. Thandapani, Tiruchirapalli City Corporation Commissioner, explaining the details of the work being implemented in Srirangam.

As sand and other silt block the free flow of water in these storm water drains, the corporation has provided a silt drop at a distance of every 10 metres so that all the silt could be collected without accumulation.

Further, rainwater harvest structures have been provided at these drains.

Residents point out that with a large number of city buses being operated on the Ammamandapam road, the splashing of storm water posed a nuisance for a few days following sharp showers.

They say that the corporation should have attached priority to the speedy execution at places where marriage halls are located.

“I have set up wooden planks for the marriage to be solemnised at my hall,” says R. Ramanan, proprietor of Sri Yoga Marriage Hall located on the Ammamandapam Road. The strong planks have been set up for ensuring safety for children and aged persons at the entrance to the marriage hall.

The issue was taken up at the official meeting convened by the district administration for evolving arrangements for Vaikunta Ekadasi. R. Manoharan, chief whip, advised the corporation commissioner to see that the works were completed well ahead of the commencement of the festival as a large number of devotees were expected. Mr. Thandapani assured him that arrangements had been made for the speedy execution of the work on storm water drains.


Coimbatore STP work in full swing

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The Hindu                09.12.2013

Coimbatore STP work in full swing

Karthik Madhavan

Even as court hearing on Nanjundapuram STP case continues

On the 11-acre plot in Ondipudur, engineers from Gharpure Engineering and Constructions (P) Limited, Pune, are busy constructing a sewage treatment plant (STP) for the Coimbatore Corporation.

The STP that has a capacity to treat 60-million-litre sewage a day will treat sewage from the north-eastern and eastern parts of the city and release the same into River Noyyal, which flows at no distance from the plot.

Even as the work is in progress at Ondipudur – the site engineers say they will complete the work ahead of schedule – the Nanjundapuram STP site stands in contrast.

The Corporation is unable to start the work as residents near the proposed site have moved the Southern Bench of the National Green Tribual, which is hearing the case. According to sources, the case came up for hearing a couple of days ago but the Tribunal had to postpone the hearing as the Corporation’s counsel could not be present for the hearing. At the Ondipudur STP, the engineering company, which has won the contract for the project, has made progress in constructing the two sequential batch reactors, blower room, chlorine tank and many other components of the STP.

The engineers say that at the entry point, the plant will filter wastes measuring 20 mm and at the primary tank, the plant will filter wastes measuring six mm particles. The plant will take the sewage to the first sequential batch reactor and then to the second, from there to the clear water tank, chlorine contract tank and then to the River.

At the time of awarding the work around eight months ago, the Corporation fixed a deadline of 18 months. With 10 months to go, the engineering company will finish the work well within the deadline.

On the drainage construction front, the Corporation has completed one of the three packages, was on the verge of completing another package and had made progress in the third package, says sources.

And, in the first package, the Corporation is waiting for progress in the road-over bridge project at Textool. Once the civic body gets the design, it will proceed with the sewerage linking work.

Even if the Corporation completes the sewerage work and the engineering company the STP work, the entire project will not become operation unless there is progress in the Nanjundapuram STP work. Sources in the Corporation say they are trying their best to convince the Green Tribunal that the civic body has followed the rules in deciding on the location.


Coimbatore Corporation to computerise process for water connection

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The Hindu                09.12.2013

Coimbatore Corporation to computerise process for water connection

Karthik Madhavan

There will soon be relief for those who have applied for drinking water connection from the Coimbatore Corporation.

According to sources, the civic body has drawn up proposal for computerising the entire system that will help the applicants move out of the authorised plumbers’ stranglehold.

At present, the city’s residents in need of water connection approach any of the authorised plumbers, who for a hefty fee not only provide the connection but also take care of the paper works that precedes the connection.

The sources say the applicants are left in the lurch as they do not know how much is the charge for the connection work and the fee for the Corporation.

The councillors in one the recent Council meetings alleged that the present system of granting water connection has brought a bad name to the Corporation.

Following the demand, the Corporation has devised a new system wherein those in need of water connection shall submit an application to any of the zonal offices as the entire process will be computerised.

At present, the applicants are supposed to submit the papers only at the respective zonal offices.

Within a day or two of the submission of the application, the Corporation will send short service message to the applicant saying who the plumber will be and what the charge is.

The Corporation will also send a second message to one of the many registered plumbers to complete the work.

The sources say such a method will ensure that the applicants are not at the mercy of the plumbers.

And the latter will get to work anywhere in the city.


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