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India Newspapers

‘e-rickshaws’ likely to make trash collection easy and clean

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The Hindu        17.07.2017  

‘e-rickshaws’ likely to make trash collection easy and clean

Officials conducted a trial run in some areas in Tirupati, planning for 50 vehicles

The manual door-to-door waste collection and segregation in the temple city might get a ‘smart’ makeover! The Municipal Corporation of Tirupati (MCT) is planning to introduce electric vehicles, 'e-rickshaws', for the purpose, combined with its ongoing dry and wet waste segregation process.

Speaking to The Hindu , MCT Commissioner Ch. Hari Kiran said they would take a call after evaluating the performance of the vehicles. “We have been approached by two companies and we called them for a demonstration. Our main aim is to ensure a speedier collection of garbage along with the concept of segregating dry and wet waste. As some of the recyclable waste is going to the dumpyards, we would like to address the issue and transfer the same to dry waste collection centres and subsequently put them for a better use,” he added.

The officials inspected the vehicles on Sunday and conducted a trial run in the Balaji Colony, Police Quarters and Prakasam Road areas.

Currently, municipal workers are using three-wheeler carts for collecting and segregating waste.

Introduction of the vehicles would not only ease the burden of the workers but also enable them reach inaccessible lanes of the temple city. The officials are planning to introduce about 50 vehicles.


A representative from the Coimbatore-based Priyam Industries and Engineering Ltd. A.M. Venkatachalapathy, who displayed the vehicle at the Tirupati Urban Development Authority (TUDA) office on Saturday, spoke to The Hindu on the features of the electric vehicle.

Retrofitted with the trademark red and green waste bins of the MCT, the vehicle can carry a load of 250 kg and can be upgraded to 500kg. It requires three units of power for full charge and can cover a distance of 60 km, with a maximum speed of 30 kmph.

Based on the requirements of the MCT, Mr. Venkatachalapathy said, the vehicles could be fitted with GPS for tracking their movement.

Meanwhile, the MCT officials have found a unique solution for the early morning chores of pilgrims visiting the temple city, by integrating the features of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

Mapping of facilities

With the help of a team from the Quality Control India, New Delhi, the officials have mapped the locations of public/community toilets and uploaded the same via Google Maps, particularly at the transit points.

In addition to this, details of the government and private hospitals, shopping malls and complexes, petrol pumps, restaurants etc., (a total of 65 locations) have also been uploaded for the benefit of the numerous devotees visiting the temple city.


Auctioning of stray cattle to enrich corporation’s coffers

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The Hindu          17.07.2017

Auctioning of stray cattle to enrich corporation’s coffers

Constant menace:Stray cattle have been causing severe traffic disruption even on main roads in Kozhikode city.S. Ramesh KurupS_RAMESHKURUP;S_RAMESHKURUP -  

Health department on a mission to impound animals roaming on city streets

The Kozhikode Municipal Corporation has chanced upon a new means of income. The health department of the corporation is on a mission to capture cattle roaming on the streets and impound them so that they can be auctioned off.

“It was only two months ago that we auctioned off three buffaloes, adding Rs. 45,000 to the civic body’s exchequer,” said Health Officer R.S. Gopakumar.

It was almost a month ago that an unusual number of cattle started roaming on the city streets, causing severe traffic disruption even on main roads. The corporation had formed a dedicated squad a year ago to capture the stray cattle. The drive at the time had earned the corporation around Rs. 80,000 in terms of fine from owners who had let their cattle wander and also through auctioning off the unclaimed ones.

The team has in its custody six oxen, one cow, five calves and some goats at present. All cattle will be auctioned 48 hours after capture.

Those turning up claiming to be the owners will have to produce documents of ownership, an attested letter from the local councillor, proof of identity and a written affidavit that they will not let their cattle wander in the future. This is besides the fine they will have to pay to get the animals back.

The Health Officer said the animals were rarely claimed and the corporation could earn up to Rs. 5 lakh from the auction of cattle wandering the streets at present.


Government to appoint over 47 urban health volunteers

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The Hindu           17.07.2017  

Government to appoint over 47 urban health volunteers

The demand for mosquito bats is on the rise following an increase in dengue and fever-related cases in Mysuru.M.A. SRIRAM  

They will be deployed in taluks where there is high incidence of dengue

The Health Department has decided to appoint over 47 urban health volunteers (UHVs) to contain the spread of dengue and other vector-borne diseases in the district.

Chidambar, District Vector-Borne Diseases Officer, told The Hindu on Sunday that over 47 urban health volunteers who have passed the health inspectors’ course, will be recruited on a temporary basis and deployed to three taluks where there is a high incidence of dengue and other fever cases. The UHVs will be hired under the National health mission. Initially, their services will be availed for three months from July, he said.

The selection of UHVs will be over by Monday. They will be given a three-day training. The UHVs will visit all the houses in a locality and identify people suffering from fever for more than three days. If there are large number of people suffering from fever for more than three days, the UHVs will not only inform the higher ups in the health department but also shift the people to the government hospital nearby and sensitise the public about the disease, Mr. Chidambar said. They will also conduct surveillance and search for mosquito larvae in these localities. The UHVs will take steps to eradicate mosquito breeding in the entire areas.

Of the 47 UHVs, 43 will be deployed in Mysuru city, two each will be deployed at Hunsuru town and Nanjangudu where a large number of dengue suspected cases have been reported of late. The department has already formed rapid response teams and deployed them in many places like Mahadevapura in Mysuru taluk to fight dengue. The Health Department is finding it hard to fight dengue with the existing staff and hence took permission to deploy UHVs.

Three more die

Meanwhile three more persons died in fever-related incidents in Mysuru district in the past week. With this total number of deaths owing to fever-related cases is 16. The department has provided instructions to medical officers who had treated the three deceased. Soon, the district death audit committee would meet once more to assess the exact cause for the deaths, Mr.Chidambar said.

Blood tests of over 2,080 people have been conducted so far in the district in the past two and half months. Of these, 347 were found to be dengue positive.


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